I stand frozen. Those words...I hate those words. I've heard them all my life. I slowly phase through the wall and walk away from the school. Unable to process everything around me. I know he's upset, I would me too if it were me. Surely he didn't mean it like that...or did he. He was only doing it because he like phantom, not me...no one really likes me.

My parents use to tell me all the time how I was an accident, that I wasn't supposed to be born but was anyway. My friends tell me how we really weren't meant to be a group...ghost call me a mistake because of the accident. How I'm stuck between the living and the dead...everyone in my life has in some way told me I was a mistake...and I know this. I just didn't think it would hurt so much when he said it."

I walk towards the bridge on the other side of town. I sit down on the outer edge and watch the water below. I'm not gonna jump...since it won't do anything. I can't die fully, something about the accident won't let me finish the job. I've tried a couple of times. I cut my arms and took some pills and neither had much effect. I can hurt myself though. And tend to do it a lot...kepep myself from brealing completely.

Sometimes I think that I'm already dead amd that's why nothing works. If so then I don't know why I still hang around here. I sigh and pull out the ectoknife I made. It's the only thing I can use to really feel the ache. It give off small particale of ectoranium and travels through me and leaves an ache that just takes the edge off. I look down at my arm and lay the knife to it but don't put pressure on it yet.

Everything goes quiet like it's waiting for me to do it again. I slowly drag the knife across my arm and sigh. I continue, feeling the crushing weight lift a bit. Once I finish putting about twenty cuts on each arm and put the knife away and look back over the water. The tears begin to slide down my face and I lower my head holding in the agonized screams that beg to come out.

I finally change forms and fly back to the house, going into the portal and heading to the part of the ghost zone that is baren. Once there and I look around before sitting on the lone rock there the screams build up once again so I let them out. I have to come here to release it because most of the time they end up being ghostly wails and I don't want anyone to get hurt, that whole hero complex and all.

It's always been funny to me how heros do their best to keep everyone safe but no one stops to check on how everything affects the hero...after about ten minutes I'm breathing heavily and slowly float back to the portal and back through to the basement. I immediately change back and trudge my way upstairs and into my room.

I lay down and close my eyes wanting a few minutes to center myself but jump when something lands on me. "Your mutt wanted to come see you." I look over and see Ember. She's not so back these days, mostly doing concert like a normal band, she doesn't try to take over the world anyways. "Baby pop, you look dead, no offense...are you okay?" I sit against the headboard and pet Cujo. "Just tired, I had to fight your boyfriend again today and I missed the rest of school."

She sits on the edge of the bed and narrows her eyes. "No, you looked drained, Danny trust me I know what depression looks like." I look at my lap and feel my shoulders drop. "I don't really wanna talk about it...I do have something on my mind though. Can ghost possess a body and that body continue living even when its dead? Like if it dies and immediately after you possess it, it won't decay and stuff?"

She tilts her head and thinks for a minute. "Well, I suppose...though I don't know anyone who's done that before...is this about you being a halfa?" She asks and I give a jerky nod. "I'm not going into it but...I can't die..." she blinks before her eyes widen. "So you think when you had the accident that you died and your ghost fused to your corpse and thats how...?"

I nod and she looks away. "I can't imagine how...how sad that must be." I put my head down and bite my lip. "Well, I'm gonna go kick Skulker's ass for messing with ya, you get some rest okay?" I nod and Cujo jumps down to follow her back. I lay down when they leave and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.
The next morning i get up and drag myself to get ready and head to school. Once ther I walk over to Sam and Tucker and sit with my head down. "Dude, what happened yesterday? We waited forever for you to come back, and the school freaked when you were missing." Tucker asks and I gulp. "Uh, sorry guys. I was super stressed and tired after fighting, I went home to sleep it off. I'll try to tell you next time."

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