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As Noodle stepped down the concrete steps of their porch, she looked out to the street, squinting exaggeratedly as she was looking for something. Her face lit up, pulling her hand out of her pocket and raising it, waving it dramatically, "Hello! Cab! Cab!" She whistled, something Murdoc taught her. The Cab pulled over, stopping in front of her.

Noodle opened the door, climbing in and shutting the door as she scooted herself to the middle seat. The man in front of her was blocked off by a little plastic gate, seperating the frontseats from the backseats like some sort of cop car.

The man looked into the rear-view mirror, keeping his eye on Noodle. "Where to, young ma'am?" He mumbled in an unintentional tired tone. She smiled softly, "May you drive me to the state main prison?" The man nodded, shifting the cab into drive.

"Visiting someone, or getting yourself into trouble?" The man joked, earning a giggle from the japanese girl. "I am visiting my uncle, he has not seen me in quite a while." The man made an 'mhmmm' noise, quite distracted as he was driving on the busy road. A long silence seeped into the cab between the two. Somewhat awkward for the man, while Noodle didn't mind at all.

"You got no other family to go with you to see your uncle?" The cab driver attempted to break the silence, "When I was a kid visiting my mama in jail, my sisters always went with me." He took glances to Noodle in the rear-view mirror as he spoke. She looked back at him, shaking her head.

"No, my brother was supposed to come, but our uncle and him have a...complicated relationship." She shrugged casually as she tucked her raven hair behind her ear. The man immediately became concerned, what the hell are you supposed to think when you hear 'complicated relationship' between an uncle and a boy? He shook his head uncomfortably, not bothering to respond.

A few minutes later, they pulled up to the prison. Noodle looked out the window, before making her way out of the cab. She closed the door, leaning down next to the passenger side window as the man rolled it down. "How much will that be, sir?" She spoke, taking glances behind her.

"7.50, please." The man responded kindly, holding his hand out. Noodle reached into her back pocket of her black denim shorts, pulling out her pocketpurse. She slipped 8.00 out of her white Hello Kinky wallet, handing it to him. "Thank you, sir." She leaned back up, smiling as she tucked her wallet into her jacket. The man nodded, giving a smile back to her before rolling up his window and driving off.

Noodle turned around, her heels tapping lightly against the concrete parking lot. A gaurd soon approached her as she found herself at the entrance door. "Here for visiting, miss?" The lady said sternly. Noodle nodded. "Go on to the main lobby and they'll give you a visiting sticker, then you gotta wait." Noodle nodded once more, already knowing the ropes of visiting but out of kindness, not wanting to burst this woman's bubble.

Noodle opened the door, walking in as she felt the cool air hit her dramatically. She knew this was gonna get intense. Her plan was intense in itself, so who knows what could go wrong? Murdoc was unpredictable, but no. Noodle wanted nothing but serious talk. No jokes, no laughs, maybe not even the MENTION of their band. Nothing. Murdoc owed her that.

As she approached the front desk, a nice woman gave her a visiting sticker upon conversation, sending her to the waiting lobby.

After an hour of waiting, a buzzing sound rang, and many people got up from their seats to go into the visiting  room. Upon entering, Noodle saw him. Right there. Behind glass, there was Murdoc Niccals, keeping his head down. Noodle made her way over, sitting down in the chair. The only thing seperated them was the glass, yet it felt like so much more that seperated them throughout this time.

He didn't seem to notice her, so she knocked on the glass subtly. Apparently not to subtly as Murdoc's head shot up, almost jumping out of his seat. Focusing his bloodshot eyes on Noodle, his expression softened into a not very noticable smile, but it was there. He grabbed the phone off of the barrier next to them, seperating the visitor from each visitor. He put it to his ear, Noodle doing the same.

"Hello there, Noodle." Murdoc spoke, his gruff voice making Noodle smile subtly after not hearing it for such a long time. The last time visited him was 3 weeks ago, and it was quite awkward so you wouldn't expect these two to be up and smiling towards eachother again.

"Hello, Murdork." She giggled, earning a hard exhale from Murdoc through his nose, trying not to laugh. "How are you, eh? You been havin' fun without me, you little tyke?" He spoke playfully, and affectionately. it was clear these two had a close relationship.

"Yeah, um..." Noodle's expression turned for stern than soft, soon realizing what she was really here for.

"Murdoc, you know what I am here to talk about, right?"

The green man hesitated, the sharp-toothed smile on his face fading before he nodded in reply. Noodle leaned forward, in a whisper-tone voice. "You know what you are gonna do when you get home right? You know what you are going to say to him? Have you planned it all?" Noodle tapped her nails on the polished desk-like surface. She had kept a hopeful, yet expectant glare towards him.

"Listen 'ere, Noodle, I've got everythin' I need to say to him. Do you really doubt ya old man Murdoc?" He chuckled, trying to lighten the sudden atmosphere that Noodle seeped into their conversation, but Noodle only glared. She had the glare that only of a  scary gargoyle on a tower could give.
It made no sense, how could someone that Murdoc practically raised as knew as this sweet, smart child be so...cold?

"I have become disillusioned with this mask you put in front of me. Do you see me as this naïve little child still?" Noodle spoke with venom seeping through her words, and it honestly broke Murdoc's somehow still beating heart. He hated when he'd make her angry, and he hated that he knew exactly why he'd made her angry in the first place.

"Noodle, please." Murdoc coughed out, keeping a 'hush-down' tone in his voice. It was his best attempt to make Noodle believe he honestly didn't care, which worked.

But was it what he really wanted?

Noodle's expression became more angry as she gripped the phone tighter, she wished she could be behind that glass to kick him in the back of the head. She wouldn't have to wish for long, if that was the case.

"You are supposed to apologize to 2D!"  Noodle screamed, standing up in her chair as the other visitors looked over at her. "He is your singer! You have known him for so long yet treat him like some sort of trash! Do you understand how he feels about you? He misses you, after all you put him through! You gave him some sort of- some sort of," Noodle would stutter as she felt tears well up into her eyes. She harshly wiped her face with her sleeve, sniffling. "You gave him this mentality that he is broken because he still considers you as a friend, yet you sit in idle and tell me to quiet down when I try to explain that to you?" She then broke down in sobs.

Murdoc was dumbfounded, absolutely shocked were the only ways to explain his feelings in this very moment. He felt his heart in his chest break slowly, crack by crack as he watched the girl he had thought so fondly of for so long break down right in front of him, and it was all because of him. She had put everything Murdoc hated about himself into heart-turning screams and cries and he could only stare in shock.

"Noodle, I..." Murdoc muttered, putting his hand on the glass. Noodle became more angry, punching the glass for it to only bang. A security gaurd approached, "Hey! Calm down over here!" he yelled. Noodle sniffed, looking to the gaurd as he gripped her elbow in case if he had to defuse the situation.

She looked back to Murdoc, who was of course, still processing. She scoffed, rolling her eyes and pulling her elbow from this man's grip and wiping her eyes once more. Noodle brought the phone back to her ear, speaking with a deathly tone, "2D will not be coming alone anymore. It will be either me, or Ace accompanying him. I do not trust you as I did as a child, and I will make sure," She paused, clearing her throat. "you know that."

Noodle quickly slammed the phone back into it's holder on the wall, turning around and walking past the security gaurd. She had ripped her visitor tag off, crumpling it up and tossing it to the side as she exited with her heels tapping loudly on the floor.

"I hate you, Murdoc..." She muttered to herself as she left.

Our love is broken. [2DOC]Where stories live. Discover now