Chapter Four

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The thing about being broke at one point or another in your lifetime is that spending money feels like some kind of sin or betrayal to yourself. Buying things, especially things that are for personal enjoyment and aren't necessities feels like you're wasting the little money you have. But Tony's been working hard and his paycheck was bigger than they needed. He had a whole seventy-five dollars to spend on whatever he wanted to, but he was scared to spend it in case it was needed.

Carol had been very angry when she found out, telling him that he needed to spend it on something for himself. That he deserved it after spending the last five years spending all his money on food, rent, and Peter.

He had no idea what to buy.

Until he got a text from Steve telling him he had a lot of fun getting coffee.

He acted wholeheartedly on impulse, asking Steve out on a date. He could spend the money on buying dinner for Steve instead of something for himself. He was sure it still counted as for him because it was for his night out with his new 'friend.'

Carol's already agreed to take the night off as well to babysit Peter for the night, for free because he had no money to give to her after deciding to spend it all on a fancy dinner. He's taken the day and the next morning off work just in case he has too much wine at dinner or in case he spends the night with Steve, which is truthfully what he's hoping for.

Steve had immediately agreed, sounding just as hyped over the phone. He said that it's been way too long since he's been on a real date, Tony agreed, refraining from telling Steve he'd never really been on a real date like this. Tony never had the money to spend on restaurant food, but he was always expected to pay for it because he's the 'man in the relationship' and also because he's still known as being the son of millionaire Howard Stark. People always assume that he has access to all that money when truthfully, he lives from paycheck to paycheck.

He finally has the money to properly treat someone to a real date with fancy restaurant food. He's not sure if he'll have enough to cover the whole meal, so he makes sure to spend the week fixing up as many cars as he can. He pulled a couple too many late nights, but he doesn't mind if it gets him the extra cash to pay for the dinner. He doesn't want to have to ask Steve to pay for half the meal.

When the night finally comes around, he dresses up in the nicest clothing he can find, a button-up white shirt, a pair of black jeans and a black jacket overtop. It's not the nicest, most of it having been bought from thrift stores, but it'll have to do.

He hugs Peter and kisses Rhodey and Carol on the cheeks before ducking out the door to their car. It's not the nicest car, a small silver Chevy with dents and scratches and cracks, but it works thanks to having a mechanic living with them.

He pulls up outside an apartment building a few minutes later and Steve emerges from the doors with a big smile, hopping into the passenger seat.

"Hi!" Tony exclaims, smiling in return. He's more relaxed than he thought he'd be. The nerves have all but faded, leaving him with simple contentment to be seeing Steve again.

They small talk on the way to the restaurant, the cash burning a hole through the pocket of his jeans. He's nervous, to say the least. He's never really had feelings for a person before. It seems unnatural. It's way out of his comfort zone, but he knows he deserves. The cash will be enough for the dinner and hopefully enough to buy Peter a new toy.

When they get to their booth, they've fallen into natural banter like they've been friends for years. It's easy and Tony's happy until he sees the prices on the menu.

"Is everything okay?" Steve asks, running a hand through his soft blond hair. He's casually leaning against the soft, red, plush of the backrests of their booth with a smile.

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