Best friend

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We said hi,
We started to become friends,
You promised to listen
I promised I'd do my best to too,
When I was sad,You were sad,
We I was happy, you were happy,
When you were sad, I was sad,
When you were happy, I was happy,
We promised each that we wouldn't be like the world, like everyone else,
When you spoke, I listened,
When I spoke, you listened,
When I had a fake smile, you could tell,
When you had a fake smile, I could tell,
We promised to always be there for each,
Then I noticed,
You start to get attach to other people,
I was happy for you,
I was there when you were in a relationship,
I was there when they broke your heart,
I listened when I was tired of hearing,
I was always trying to be a good friend,
I soon noticed,
When I spoke,
You didn't listened,
You were always distant,
My nieve self came up with reasons,
Until the day I realized,
The world waa taking you away,
I tried everything to stop that from happening,
But I realize now,
I can't,
So I just wanted to say,
I hope you have a good life,
To the old you,
All the times we were together,
All of the memories,
And it's going to hurt,
But I know,
I need to let you go,
So this is,
A painful goodbye,
I hope you have fun with others,
And don't worry about me,
I'll be fine,

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