Chapter Four-Collar Full

Start from the beginning

"What why?"

"Because I always get the front, I'm older after all."

I huff and get out and hop in the back "more room for me anyways." This earned me a few chuckles between the two and we were off. The drive wasn't long because the beach wasn't really far so we got there before the sun had began to set. Matt, being the woodsman and much more experienced, set up the tent. Allen started the fire and I was left to unpack food and find more firewood.

After telling Al where I was going, I made my way around brush and trees while picking up any sizable branches. I reached down to pick up another one when I was faced with a large sniffing nose. I screamed and jumped back to see the full size of the gigantic polar bear.

I stood and ran as fast as I could but it was no use, I didn't get far before it tackled me to the ground. I awoke a bit later with my head throbbing and only to see trees and the dusk sky. I then came to and realized I was being dragged by the pant leg. I try sitting up and seeing who it was but all my strength was gone.

I then hear a yell not to far "Kuma come!"
Right. The polar bear.
A light then became brighter and brighter before we were by a campsite. Then the voice said "What the hell do you have?"
I recognized the voice as Matt's. I then yell "Matt help I'm being attacked!"

Matt's face then came to view.
"Haha no, that's just Kuma being weird again. Kuma drop."
The bear then dropped my leg and I instantly stood up.
"Oh, h-hello K-Kuma."
"I'm surprised he didn't kill you, maybe he thought you were dead."
"Wow thanks."

I then sat down on a log next to Allen while Matt unpacked stuff for s'mores.

"Hey (Y/n) wanna hear a scary story?"


"Awe come on! It'll be good I promise."

I look over at Matt who shrugged and went back to rummaging through a cooler.

"Fine let me hear it."

"Ok. One night, a girl named Morgan and her friends, Madeline, Adelaide, Sam, and Bo, went out into the forest to go for a swim at the lake. On the way there, they got lost and drove for hours until running out of gas. They were then forced to walk back, but Sam suddenly ran into the forest because he is an idiot like my brother."

Matt slapped him over the head with the bad of marshmallows and we began roasting them. Allen continued.

"They all followed after him and one by one, they started disappearing while the others weren't looking, leaving only Madeline, Mo, and Bo. The three sat down to take a break when all of a sudden, when Mo wasn't looking, she heard Bo scream. When she looked back, Madeline was gone and Bo sat on the floor, holding his arm.

Bo claimed that he saw something take Madeline and attacked him before he could fight it. Morgan then began to take Bo back in the direction of the truck, while hearing running in the distance towards them. Eventually as she heard the mixed sound of her friends voices behind her, she had no more strength to carry the unconscious Bo and left him behind.

She kept running faster and faster, only to turn around once to see a pale, faceless creature with blood splattered mouth filled with sharp teeth. No matter how fast she ran, the thing only went faster, drawing in closer. She was almost in its grasp, when all of a sudden it was gone. She turned and saw a fire a little ways away, and saw three figures around it. She opened her mouth to yell for help, only to scream from the pain of the creature eating her alive!"

There was a silence before me and Matt laughed.

"Haha that was so not scary-"

I was cut off by a scream coming from the distance. We all froze and looked at each other for a moment, before scrambling to our feet and screaming while running to the truck.


Looking back at it now...that was pretty hilarious. We went back for our stuff in the morning and could not stop laughing. Matt dropped Allen and their stuff off at their house then drove me to mine. On the short way over he put on the song 'Collar Full' by panic at the disco and we both sang along very loudly.

We both laughed all the way up to my door until it was time to part.
"Well thank you for inviting me Matt, see ya later."
"No problem, thanks for coming."

Looking back at it now...they probably wouldn't have gone if I hadn't.

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