One; Different

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Althea knew that she was afraid, that no one would be able to save her if the walkers came at that moment, and she hated it, the constant feeling of being watched, the fear and vulnerability of being just a child.
Out here in the Atlanta camp that all went away, she had meant a young man named Shane Walsh, he was in the police force before the world came to an end and was extremely kind and gentle towards the young female.
Other then Shane, Althea often distanced herself from the group, despite how much they all hung out with eachother.

One morning Althea woke up from her sleep, noticing that her tent buddy, Shane, was missing. She lazily sat up, crawling to the opening of the tent. The female poked her head out to see everyone doing there own thing, the first to notice her was an old man in a fisherman's hat, his name was Dale and cared about everyone in the camp more then anything, he especially loved the children, trying to make their childhood better since they had to live in such a terrible world.

Dale gave her a sincere smile, waving her over to where he was standing. She crawled out of the tent as quickly as possible, running towards Dale and tackling him into a tight hug. “Good morning, Dale!” she cheered in her small and soft voice. The old man just smiled and patted her head in a gently manner, letting her go and letting her join up with her others.
The child spotted Lori, who had been sitting on the dirt with Shane and Carl, instantly running over the brunette. “Morning, Lori!” she waved at the woman who gave her a small wave back.

Carl was one of the only other children there, and another person that Althea was quite close with, the two would often be around eachother, messing around near the pond, playing tag, or just enjoying each other's company. The little boy looked up at Althea, who had been standing above him, gently patting the ground next to him and signalling her to sit to which she agreed too.

While sitting and listening to Shane laugh about his hilarious stories Althea leaned her head on Carl's shoulder gently, leaning on him. This caused a light blush to form on his cheeks, but it soon went away when he saw her calm expression.
Soon a loud roaring could be heard in the distance, a car alarm? She jumped up, glancing up at Dale.

“Dale? What is it?” Lori questioned the man, who was now standing on the RV roof, about the noise. “My guess is a stolen car.” he started looking through his binoculars. “Hah? Do you think it's them?” Another female, who Althea learned to be Amy Harrison, spoke up. After more conversation about the car it rolled into the drive way to show none other then Glenn Rhee, another survivor.

“Glenn..?” Althea whispered in a confused tone as the Korean male stepped out of the vehicle, flashing a quirky grin.

After a while, Althea had zoned out, only to be brought back to reality when the alarm faded away. “Hah?” she muttered a few incoherent words then glanced at the car, not completely listening to the conversation. As everyone stepped out of the large truck that had pulled into the drive way, Andrea ran towards her sister, collapsing in her arms. Althea let out a sigh as she saw Lori and Carl talking about something she then heard Morales mention a new person. “New gu—” she was stopped when he yelled out to the man. “Hey helicopter boy!” soon enough a man dressed in a sheriff's uniform stepped out, making Althea and Shane freeze in place.

Althea was not stupid, she had seen photos of that man when her and Carl were looking through photo albums awhile back. Lori and Carl finally noticed that their presumed dead father and husband was walking into their camp. “Dad!” Carl shouted, running at his father then pulling him into an embraced, Rick accepted and collapsed onto his son, getting up soon after while Carl was in his arms.
Lori was shocked and over-joyed, it was obvious. While everyone watched this sweet reunion Althea started to kick at the ground, letting out a few grunts then walking away at the sight of a rabbit in the woods.

The girl was soon called back by Shane, who spotted her in woods, alone, which only made him angrier.
He approached her, grabbing her arm roughly, but not enough to hurt her,  then dragging her back to camp. “Don't ever scare me like that again, you got that?” he hissed at her, causing her to flinch.

He seemed so different

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