"Would you like to? Because I had other plans." He smirked and I blushed even more than before.

"I- well- we just met." I found myself playing with the sides of my dress unintentionally showing more of my bare thigh.

"And? We are adults aren't we?" I nod, I guess we where adults. Froppy bowed and headed off to find a store that was open.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to. I could have payed."

"I know you could have dear, now come on. Let's get you something to eat." We walked into the kitchen, he allowed me in first and shut the door behind him not allowing the servants to follow.

"This place is amazing Shoto." I looked around, the kitchen was the size of my house! It was decorated with beautiful marble countertops, the floors where a nice stained oak, and the walls painted a soft white.

Two large stainless steel fridges where placed by the door where we entered, a kitchen island was placed in the center and he had at least three ovens.

"It's alright." I looked to him as he walked over to the pantry and sorted through some ingredients.

"Shoto? What are you doing?" He tilted his head back as he took out the ingredients.

"I'm making us pancakes." I nod and watch him closely, he removed his suit jacket and rolled his sleeves up. He ran a hand through his hair as his other hand worked at undoing the top few buttons of his shirt.

I puffed out my cheeks and tried to keep my eyes off of him. He was so perfect, muscular, nice, and sexy as hell. Him having money was the least of my concerns, I never really cared for money in the first place.

He turned to me with a smile, I looked around him to notice he had already whipped up the batter and he was only waiting for the pan to heat up.

"Do your feet hurt?" I shrug, they kind of did from all the dancing. "Sit down, take a load off."

I furrow my brows and look around the kitchen, I didn't see any chairs. And I don't want to sit on his countertops, perhaps I could sit on the floor. I lean against the island and start sliding down to the floor making sure that my dress doesn't act up to much. I stopped feeling his hands on my waist, I looked up with a slight blush.

"What are you doing?"

"S-sitting down?" I question, he shook his head. My eyes widen in shock and a small yelp forces past my lips as he hoists me onto the kitchen island.

"There, now you're sitting down." He chuckled, he stood between my legs, his hips pressed against the island. The position forced a blush to my cheeks as I shyly looked up to him.

"I-i uh... Isn't this expensive?"

"Sure, but who cares." He smiled and lifted my right leg up and towards my chest, I gasped feeling the cold air and the soft fabric slowly riding up. My hands fly down to hold the dress in place, how embarrassing. I shouldn't have gotten this damn dress.

"I can take care of my own shoes."

"I'm sure you can my little rose." I blushed at his nickname as his hands worked at undoing my heels. His eyes looked over my exposed skin causing me to shiver.

He dropped the shoe to the ground and began to massage my feet, a moan of appreciation slipped past my throat. I quickly covered my mouth, my face on fire with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?" He hesitantly pulled his eyes away to look at me. He set my leg back down and picked up the other repeating the same actions.

"I didn't mean to moan like that." He chuckled, his fingers worked magic on the soles of my feet.

"Its alright (Y/n). I quiet enjoyed your sound." He smiled before turning and checking on the pancakes. Maybe I wouldn't mind spending the night in his bed, with him.

"Shoto, I'll be honest I'm not all that hungry." He nods and plated the one he had made already.

"Good, because I'm not either... For pancakes at least." He reached up grabbing the syrup and (f/t - favorite topping.) I smiled softly and watched as he applied the toppings to the pancake.

"Well, what are you hungry for?" He quickly looked to me with a small glint to his eye.

"Do you really want to know?"

"A little bit." He stopped cutting the pancake and pushed the plate to the side. He got back between my legs and pulled me forward so our hips where touching.

"I want you." His hands slipped under my dress and I jumped, his thumbs rubbing smooth circles on my inner thighs. "So soft." He smiled and looked into my eyes. "You can't imagine how long I have been wanting to touch you."

"I-i can imagine..." I shifted slightly as his head moved to the crook of my neck. His lips brushed against my skin as he inhaled and sighed contently.

"And your smell, just as I thought. Pure and utterly addicting. Its making my mouth water..." The last part was just above a whisper as he left a few kisses, slowly making his way up to my jaw. My arms slipped around his neck on instinct and I pulled him closer.

I could feel his heartbeat, it thundered harshly against his chest. Was he as nervous as I was? We shared a small passionate kiss, my fingers tangled into the hair at the nape of his neck. His hands slid up higher making my breath hitch, a breathy moan resonated in my throat as his grip tightened on my waist. A groan left him as I wrapped my legs around his waist and tugged gently on his hair.

"Do you want to finish the pancake? Or take this upstairs?" I tilted my head back and whimpered as he kissed the underside of my throat, I closed my eyes tightly. He had barely even touched me and I already felt beyond aroused.

"I want to go upstairs."

The Underworld King (Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now