Chapter 2

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Todoroki's POV

I stand up from the chair and give a small respectful bow to the woman I had just met. She was definetly interesting compared to the rest, when most had to work late they would just take it all home. Not her though, I wonder if it's because she had no one to return to.

I walk outside to parking garage with umbrella in hand, I was lucky it was yet to rain but more than likely it would happen on the drive home. I unlocked my Mercedes and got in as my non traceable phone rings, I look down curiously and answer the phone.

"Hello, this is Shoto Todoroki." I back up and start driving off to my mansion at the edge of town. I lived alone with some staff who prepared meals and kept the house in order.

"So cold, even to your own brother." I sigh a bit, it was my brother Toya. More than likely he was wanting to talk about business.

"I'm sorry Toya, what do you want?"

"I was just curious, have you seen an uprise in police activity?" I hum softly and think through the reports some of the crime lords had sent me. They where concerned about the 'heros' who where suddenly popping up out of nowhere.

"I haven't heard much about police activity, but I have heard about the recent 'heros'."

"Hero's?" I stop at a red light and patiently wait for it turn, a black sedan pulls beside and I move my right hand to the pistol beside me. Don't need anyone to see that the infamous Shoto Todoroki has a quirk.

"Yeah, apparently people with quirks are taking down some of the major crime circles."

"So what are you saying?" The light turns green and I take my turn, relaxing a bit when the sedan doesn't pursue.

"I'm saying that perhaps the government is using their soldiers to take us down."

"Well that's preposterous! I mean... I actually don't know what I mean."

"Look Toya, this was bound to happen at some time or another. I mean think, conpared to the rest of the society we are practically gods. God's that are using their powers for organized crime."

"Well the original intention was to be vigilantes."

"So basically villians." Silence filled the car as I drove up to the large two story mansion.

"Well, I guess?" I sighed and stepped out of the car after turning it off, I held the phone to my ear as a maid ran foward and began taking off my coat.

"We will talk more at my party tomorrow night. Will you be there?"

"Possibly, did you invite any girls?" I rolled my eyes and slipped off my shoes, a Butler ran up to take them away to be shined.

"There will in fact be women Toya, must of which work at my firm here in town."


"Just behave yourself for once, I beg of you."

"Hm... No promises." I sighed and hung up as the maid removed my jacket, I walked around the mansion and found that the ballroom was completly decorated and the parking was ready.

The chefs where talking over the options for food and spirits while other workers marked all of the off limit areas. The entire house looked beautiful and once I was satisfied I headed off to bed.

Your POV

-next day-

I awoke early to the sound of my alarm, I reached over and quickly turned it off with a groan. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I thought about last night.

"No work today huh?" I paused and grabbed my phone dialing Ochako's number.

"Hello (N/n)!"

"Hey jiggly puff! Do you have the day off today?"

"Yes I do, why?"

"Well, Mr. Todoroki told me to take the day off to buy a dress for the party." There was a long pause between us as she processed my words.

"Wait... You met the Shoto Todoroki?"

"I-i did..."



"I'm watching my aunt's kid." I nod slightly even though she couldn't see. "I'll be done around noon, lets meet at Jovani's."

"Alright, I'll see you later Kirby!" I hang up the phone quickly before she could say anything.

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