Teaser #5

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"Well, you're never driving again." JA shoots me a dirty look as I pull into Vaughn's driveaway.

"What? I lost the cop back there it's not like I got a ticket. Fucking relax." I slam the car door shut & bolt for the front door. God, I hope we haven't missed too much. Kristi is waiting for us and swings the front door open. "They're out back. Things have gotten... weird."

"Weird? Things got weird 4 teasers ago. What's going on?" I look through to the back. Oh. JA & I exchange glances. "So, they're...."

"Mud wrestling." Kristi confirms. Vaughn set the hose on them & told them to duke it out." As we get closer I hear Michelle yelling "You throw like a girl!" And then she flings a mud ball straight into Amber's face. Ouch. Amber screeches like a howler monkey & grabs Michelle's hair while shoving her face into a mud puddle.

"Vaughn, I'm not sure about this..." Grace is sitting in his lap on a chaise lounge on the patio, where they've got a front row seat to the cat fight. "Babe, it's hysterical, relax." He assures her.

"You're a fucking asshole, Vaughn." I'm pissed. "How long has this fight been going on?"

"Uh," he glances at his watch, "10 minutes?"

"So I've missed the first 10 minutes of this and you didn't think to record any of it for me? God you are a dick." I flop into the chaise next to theirs and set my phone to record. "You've probably got quality video equipment in your bedroom you fucking pervert & all I'm going to catch is the tail end of this fight on my iphone."

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