Chapter 1~The Four Boys

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(A/N): Idk what or who seems appropriate for the first chapter? Idk let me know how you guys like this story! PS will add very small fluff and little gestures throughout the book;) watch out

Shoutout to bendygirll33e


"Holy shit! Fuck yes!" Richie started screaming in the hallways, pumping his fists in the air as the final bell rang for the year.

8th period, on a Friday, in the beginning of June. What wonderful news to any school student. For most kids, it was the day they all looked foreword too. No more homework, no more waking up early, and more time for friendships to form.

You were laughing alongside four boys lined up in the hallway, speed-walking down the rows and rows of bright beige lockers. Students crammed together in clusters, almost looking like baby puppies trying to squirm their way to their mother for food.

Bill, Stan, Richie, and Eddie. Your best friends in the whole world. The four greatest boys you could ask for. Each one had a unique and lovable trait about them that made you all click.

"So Stan has to take, like, this super Jewy test or something-" Eddie was trying to explain to himself on what a Barmitzfah was, Stan having told all of you a few class periods prior on what was upcoming for him.

You were walking in between Bill and Richie, listening to the boys banter and rant to each other, trying to see who was right first. It was entertaining to say the least.

"Buh-but hows it work?" Bill asked.

Eddie raised his hands, shrugging like he had figured everything out. "They slice the tip of his dick off." He sighed.

"What? Come on, you're bullshitting us. Nobody would be Jewish if they had to commit to that!" You chimed in, turning to Richie in disbelief. "Come on Rich, back me up on this!" You looked at him as he turned back to face you.

"Hey, there's a reason I'm not Jewish!" Richie laughed as you hit him lightly on the chest with the back of your hand, laughing with him too.

Richie perked up next to you, turning to face Eddie as his eyebrows drew foreword, as if he was realizing something. "Wait, then Stan'll have nothing left!" He laughed even louder next to you.

You saw Richie start to slow down as he walked over behind Eddie, presumably readying himself to scare him for laughs from you.

Instead, Richie started poking fun at Eddies fanny pack, pinching his cheeks and calling him 'Eds', the dreaded nickname you knew he hated. He was always doing stupid stuff like that just for the sake of annoying everybody. It was one of his traits, so you couldn't really do much to stop it, but not that you would want too. It was one of the things that made him 'Richie Tozier'.

"Richie stop! You know I don't like that! Come on!" Eddie whined and complained the entire time, which in retrospect was literally less than a minute, holding onto Richies wrists in the middle of the hallway, trying to force him to let go. Richie was doing another one of his voices, a common thing he did to entertain the group, mostly doing it around you the most, sounding a lot like Sofia, Eddies mother.

"Awww mah poor Eds! Didn't ah tell ya dear to take yer medicine!" Richie exaggerated, having a groggy edge in his voice, waving his hands around in a dramatic fashion. He wasn't the best at impressions, but you sure could tell he had fun doing it.

And it sure as hell got you laughing.

"Dear god Richie! Do you know how many germs are are on a human hand!" Eddie pried Richies big hands off of his face, sulking in disgust whilst rubbing his cheeks afterwards, sighing in frustration.

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