A Formal Introduction

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I live a dangerous life. A life where I've dedicated myself to. . basically the ending of it. A life where I'm always on the edge, be it something dangerous, adrenaline setting, new, or just straight up outrageous.

But I'll be honest with you. I wouldn't be living this life if it didn't fit me perfectly. I can place myself, and other people, in situations they couldn't begin to fathom.

I'm sneaky, charming, astonishly good-looking, and highly intelligent. And someone like me, you only stumble upon them once in a lifetime.

So the big question becomes, exactly what life do you live? And what makes it so dangerous?

Well, you wouldn't be on edge if I told you. So let me formally introduce myself. My name is Snake, and you're about to experience something that'll make you wish you didn't dance with The Snake.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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