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I/C felt all snuggled up in her warm soft futon but this time it felt like she was in a really hot hot HOT sauna. She even had to a dream that she would die the desert because of this heat she couldn't even sleep well. Later on the next day she up to feel a pair of arms around her waist and torso. I/C didn't want to wake the person up so she lifted her head a little bit off the futon to see a smirking red headed prince without a kimono on just his obi. She blushed really badly but also tried to keep herself quiet to not wake up her husband. Her problems now are how to get of the futon without waking Ichiji up so that he won't be a grumble kid. 

I/C: (Whisper) Ok and now 

Ichiji: (Grabs her) Now where do you think your going my dear 

I/C: Ichiji common I have to get to work 

Ichiji: Work tsk your no longer a maid now that your married to me and my brothers 

I/C: But anyway why are you sleeping in my futon you do know you have your own room right 

Ichiji: I know but (Cuddles) I feel lonely without you 

I/C: (Sigh) Yeah I guess now let go of me 

Ichiji: No (Squeezes her) 

I/C: Now hey stop Ichiji I said stop 

Ichiji: No 

I/C: I said now Ichiji 

Ichiji: No 

Then all of a sudden the door slammed wide open to see Niji,Sanji,and Yonji looking really pist off at Ichiji for his actions. Ichiji didn't give a damn since they were already married there was nothing wrong with his actions to I/C. While the three other brothers disagreed with that. They are really selfish when it comes to I/C since they picture her as the perfect woman for them but hey don't want to share her. 

Niji: Now brother don't you think your actions are a bit too much 

Ichiji: (Evil Voice) Now why would you say that huh 

Sanji: Maybe it was when you started cuddling next to her as if she was some kind of stuffed animal wouldn't you agree Yonji (Looks at him) 

Yonji: (Gets out of La La land) Huh what Yeah what are we talking about 

Niji: Ugh both of you are pathetic as ever 

Ichiji: Not as idiotic when the three of you are combined 

Sanji: What did you say Strawberry 

Ichiji: Oh now your name calling people what next your going to use a sword and fight me huh peasant 

I/C: Now now now boys stop fighting now 

None of them had listened which made I/C really mad when she is the one who is trying to defuse the situation that is happening. I/C then just gave up on trying to calm them down and just gotten ready for work. She then left the room with the guys still fighting on who was wrong and who was right in the argument. Until they noticed that I/C was no longer in the room and then started searching for her in the palace. 

In the kitchen 

I/C: Now let's see what would be good big sister Reiju (Looks in the herbal books) hmmmmmm that's it silica leaves mixed with aloe and natural honey boiled into fresh tea along with a hint of mint leaves that should be good 

Cosette: Umm princess I/C 

I/C: Oh yes is there something wrong Cosette chan 

Cosette: (Blush) Wait you know my name 

I/C: Yes I do when I was a maid the palace I was told who works in what station 

Cosette: Oh of course I should have known 

I/C: Anyway but is there something wrong 

Cosette: No I just wanted to know why are you in the kitchen if you don't mind me asking 

I/C: I just wanted to make something for Reiju 

Cosette: Ok but what are you making for her 

I/C: A tea that I will have to work really hard for in order to make a cup that not only has a good fragrant and has a unique taste 

Cosette: Ooh sounds nice may I help you 

I/C: Yes I'm going to need all the hlep that I can get 

Cosette: Alright 

While with the Vinsmoke Brothers 

Sanji: (Huff) Have you seen I/C anywhere 

Maid: No my lord I'm afraid not sorry 

Sanji: It's fine (Runs off) 

Niji: Where are you my beloved I/C 

Ichiji: Your beloved you mean my beloved 

Yonji: Or how about both of you give her up and give her to me 

Ichiji and Niji: Never 

Yonji: Fine geez

While in the Germa Garden 

I/C: Cosette can you bring the basket here please 

Cosette: Yes princess (Brings the basket) 

I/C: Just call me by my name ok 

Cosette: Alright then 

I/C started picking out the fresh silica leaves off from the silica flowers stem to get the flavor for the tea later on which would be boiled in hot water. Then later on she and Cosette traveled to the far side of the market in order to get the freshest honey for Reiju. Cosette enjoyed the experience with I/C as if they were like sisters. At the end of the day they have finally got the tea boiled into a single cup. 

I/C: Ok it's done now 

Cosette: Wow the fragrance that it is giving iff is wonderful 

I/C: I know say Cosette would you wanna try some 

Cosette: Oh no I couldn't possibly do that you worked so hard for it in order to give it to Reiju sama 

I/C: Oh common  it's only a little bit (Poor some tea into a little cup) here 

Cosette: You are kind I/C thank you (Takes a sip) Mmmm it's so sweet and it really smooth 

I/C: I'm glad to hear that and now I know Reiju will definitely love it 

I/C brought the cup of tea to Reiju's dorm to see her coughing badly on her futon to the point where she could've lost her voice. Reiju looked really pale and week at the moment but I/C was determined to help Reiju get better no matter what. She helped Reiju sit up and handed her the freshly brewed hot tea. Reiju looked really stunned and was questioning I/C what ingredients she used to make the tea. 

Reiju: Man it's go good (Takes another sip) 

I/C: That's good to hear 

Reiju: Say can you make more for me later on as well 

I/C: Sure I would love any for you as long as you feel better 

Reiju: Thank you now that your also taking of my brother I don't have to stress out for them 

I/C: I glad I can be some assistance to you (Smile) 

They talked until Reiju was getting tired where she had to lay on futon to speak with I/C. I/C was now going to be the caretaker of Reiju until she gets better. She made sure that every meal and drink has healthy nutritional advantage in order for her health to healthy again. Reiju was always thankful for all the effort that I/C was making in irder to make her feel better. 


The Devils and the captured PrincessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora