"He broke his leg"

Another nurse joined the first one. "Don't worry, we will take of him" she said and they carried the boy away from his arms.

They all sat down waiting. Soon enough, the boys were complaining of hunger.

"Why don't we go to Jimmy's place and eat after we are done here," Jeonghan said. The kids cheered while Seungcheol looked at them confused.

"Your father will pay," Jeonghan said and noticed Seungcheol glaring at him but it didn't shake him one bit. Instead, it amused him. The doctor came out immediately

"Are you the boy's parents?" He said.

Both Jeonghan and Seungcheol looked alarmed. Seungcheol shook his head. "I'm his father. He is just the nanny"

The doctor nodded.

"How is he?" Jeonghan asked.

"He's fine but he broke his left leg. He won't be able to use the leg for at least three weeks. You have to take good care of him"

Seungcheol sighed. "Alright, can we see him?"

"Yes you can"

"Can we take him home?" Jeonghan asked.

"of course, just settle the bill and you can take him home"

"kamshamnida" Both Jeonghan and Seungcheol bowed and the doctor left. They went to see Chan. He had a cast on his leg. His brothers laughed at him and he started to cry but Jeonghan scolded them and comforted him wrapping his arms around the boy.

It pained Seungcheol to see the scene before him but he couldn't deny it felt good seeing his children happy because of Jeonghan. It had been a while since he had seen them like this. A nurse entered with a huge smile on her face.

She looked at Seungcheol "Did you remarry? I'm offended Cheol, you didn't invite me to the wedding" She blurted out making Jeonghan and Seungcheol freeze.

"em...I didn't remarry. He's just the new nanny" Seungcheol muttered

"Really?" She stared at them in disbelief, her eyes assessing how Jeonghan held Chan. Everyone knew that Seungcheol was overprotective of his children. Allowing another person near them meant only one thing. The nurse shook her head. It wasn't her business prying into his private life

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding," She said.

"There's no problem," Jeonghan said and the nurse went to Chan.

"Alright, you are free to go home now," she said. Chan held out his arms for Jeonghan to carry him. He looked at Seungcheol's hardened expression and thought carefully for a while before he carried the boy.

"Looks like he is very fond of you," the nurse said with a small smile. Jeonghan smiled back and turned to Seungcheol.

"Shall we?" He whispered looking at him. The man just nodded and left as Jeonghan and the kids followed him. Jeonghan stared at Seungcheol's stiff back as they all walked out of the hospital. He wondered what was going on inside his head. He bet he was pining with anger but Jeonghan didn't care. After seeing that image of Seungcheol in the kitchen a few days ago, he decided he was going to keep his promise to the kids and make their father smile again. He was going to do what he wanted to do.

They got to the car. Jeonghan and Chan stayed in front of the car with Scoups while the other kids remained at the back.

"Appa, we're hungry" Minghao complained.

Jeonghan turned to Seungcheol "Let's take them to Jerry's spot, I will give you a complete discount"

Seungcheol said nothing and just started the car. Jeonghan didn't know if he was going to pull up at Jerry's spot or not, with the way his face was set but he did and Jeonghan sighed in relief.

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