Makuu opened his jaws to try and protest, but nothing came out. He knew why he couldn't challenge Nneka's claims, because they were true, and he knew it.

"Exactly as I thought," Nneka coolly chuckled. "You didn't trust him to begin with, so why should you now? You can choose to believe me or not, but you can't deny the fact that I know secrets about Zaire that he obviously doesn't want anyone else to know about."

{I hate to admit it, but Nneka makes a very good point. Well, might as well hear her out.}

"Alright, I'll give," Makuu breathed. "Mind explaining it to me?"

"Oh, so you do believe me?" Nneka questioned, a hint of surprise evident in her voice.

"I guess. I mean, I've seen some pretty unexplainable things happen in life, but seeing it isn't the same as hearing about it."

"True, but of course that won't really happen until Zaire shows his true colors."

"What do you mean?"

"He won't show off his 'monster' side unless he's forced to."

"'Forced to'? Nneka, you're not making any sense."

"Look, Makuu, I don't exactly know how it works, all I know is that what I'm saying is true. Zaire is slowly being taken over by the demon inside of him, and therefore cannot be trusted."

"Don't you mean demons?"

"No. Just a singular demon. Why do ask that, like he killed more than once?"

"Didn't he? I mean, I highly doubt that crocodile from the other day would be the reason you would be up here. Impossible, even, but not if he killed someone long before and that's why you're really up here."

"Whoa, wait a minute, back up! What are you talking about? What crocodile from the other day?"

"What am I...the Crescent Valley crocodile that Zaire killed?"

"What Crescent Valley crocodile?"

"The one that Zaire killed a few days ago. Wasn't that what you were just referring to or talking about or something?"

"No, I wasn't. I was referring to something a bit more personal. And I repeat, Makuu, what Crescent Valley crocodile?"

"You really expect me to believe that you don't know what I'm talking about?"

As the silence that fell stretched on longer than expected, Makuu realized that Nneka was being serious.

" don't know, do you?"

"Does it look like I know what you're talking about?!" Nneka snapped. "As far as I'm aware of, all my crocodiles are alive and more or less accounted for. Just out of curiosity, why did you assume that I would know that Zaire presumably killed a Crescent Valley crocodile?"

"Because Nkiru and Tuma were in the clearing where the body was, and I have the sense that they knew what happened there."

"Gr...that two-faced, good for nothing...I should have expected that they would do something like this sooner or later. I'm guessing the body isn't where your 'friend' left it?"

"If you mean that there was no sign of it when I got there, then the answer is yes. Your sister certainly makes your job harder than it has to be, doesn't she?"

"Oh, you have no idea. Trust me, if I could get rid of her, I would."

"Then why don't you? Why keep her around at all?"

Nneka hesitated, but before she could answer Makuu's question, someone interrupted her.

"Hey, Nneka! We found Zula!"

The Lion Guard: The Northern CrocodileWhere stories live. Discover now