The Barista

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I stood in line for my coffee with anticipation. I didn't need a drink, sure, and I was running late for a meeting. But, do I give a damn? Absolutely not.

I peeked past the line in front of me and saw a somewhat familiar face behind the counter, I couldn't tell where I knew her from though. In between the previous customer and the next, she let her hair down and shook it out, only to put it back up in a neater ponytail. I felt my cheeks get slightly warm.

Even though I'm an adult woman, I still don't have an exact label on my sexuality. I never really saw it as a necessity. All I know is sometimes I like women and sometimes I like men, but it's never the same feeling. Hell, sometimes I don't like either.

After awhile I got to the front of the line, I smiled as I greeted her. "Good morning! What can I get for you?" She grinned politely.

"Just a large double shot espresso with one sugar, please."

"Take away?"

"Yes please."

"And who am I making this for?" She pulled out a coffee cup and a marker with a smirk.

"Aubrey Lennon." I'm not sure why I gave my full name, but I'm almost glad that I did.

"Ah- knew it was you!" She chuckled. "You're the CEO for PAI Corp, right?"

"Yes- how'd you know?"

"We work in the same building! I work at the cafe downstairs, I've served you a bunch of times as well. I knew I recognised you from somewhere!"

"Oh- yeah! Eleanor, right?" I smiled as she nodded in glee. "So, what's the deal? Do you work part time or something?"

"Well, I used to work full time in your building but we've been under new management lately so I'm slowly trying to transition to here and still have enough to pay rent and all that."

"Can you two hurry up please?" The exhausted woman behind me exclaimed, Eleanor nodded.

"Absolutely, sorry ma'am! I'll catch up with you after my shifts done." She smiled at me as I gave her a thumbs up.

After around five minutes she brought the coffee over to me with a bright smile. "Well that was quick."

"Didn't want to keep you waiting."

I took a sip from the cardboard coffee cup, my body filled with energy- caffeine- as the hot liquid coated the insides of my throat. "Not bad, tastes different than the ones you make at work though." I smirked, she chuckled.

"This place gives us better coffee beans, the ones at the other cafe are super cheap."

"You make it work anyways." My feeble attempts at flirting flop as usual. I am really out of practice, that doesn't excuse it though.

It seems like it didn't flop as badly as I thought, she giggled and looked down at the table with light pink cheeks. "Might as well get this over with." She pulled her phone out from her back pocket and opened up contacts. "Can I get your phone number?"

"You certainly can." I grinned, putting my number into a new contact. I named it "Aubrey the Hottie CEO", which is obviously, real smooth. I passed it back to her as she giggled.

"Can't I get a photo?"

I nodded as she opened the camera app, I blew a kiss at the camera. She looked at the photo and covered her mouth trying not to laugh, her cheeks a bright red. "What's so funny?" She shook her head and turned the phone around slowly. She'd taken the photo too early, leaving a funny look on my face. "Well that's perfect, clearly."

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