Affectionate! Kyle X Reader

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Requested by @JackieandDaine13! I hope you enjoy this, and I'm sorry it took so long!


Affectionate! Kyle X Reader


Kyle Broflowski was never good at love. He had never known how to express it- a normal problem people had, it seemed.

Not being good ar expressing love didn't mean he WASN'T in love, though. There was this kid in his class who he was seated behind- [Y/N], their name was. They wore a [Fav Color] jacket with a [Sec Fav Color] hat. They were reasonably popular, catching the attention of the more popular boys in school.

They were kind, and smart, and just everything the green Ushanka-wearing redhead wanted. He was utterly smitten by the teen who sat infront of him in his homeroom.

"Kyle? KYLE?" Stan's voice cut right through his lovesick haze. Kyle jumped and almost fell off of his seat. They were in the cafeteria, waiting for their other 'friends'. (and by friends, he meant Kenny, who was an actual friend, and Cartman, who really wasn't a friend.)

"Oh- yeah, what's up, Stan?" He asked his friend in the red puffball hat. Stan facepalmed. "Your out of it today. What's wrong, Kyle?"

Kyle's hazel eyes looked down at his food and he hummed. "...It's nothing, Stan." How could he explain his crush to his Super Best Friend? He had seen how the smitten the other boy had been for Wendy.

Kyle felt Stan's blue orbs staring into him. "...Kyle." his friend hummed to him, concern lacing his voice. The redhead's eyes went back to his best friend. "What's wrong, man? You can tell me."

Kyle let out a sigh and nodded. "...I think that..." his eyes drifted to the other teenager in the [Fav Color] jacket. They were sitting with some of the teens from the 10th grade. Likely the popular kids from that grade. "...It's [Y/N]."

Stan tilted his head. "What? Did they do something to you?" He stated, eyes flashing with anger.

Kyle shook his hands at the other boy. "NO- no! They didn't do anything!" He hissed, his voice quieting. "...I, uh, think I like then. Alot, Stan."

Silence overtook the two boys at the table-

And then Stan let out a laugh.

"Is that it, Kyle?" He said, watching as said boy flushed red and nodded. "Then why don't you ask her on a date before someone else does?" He said to the pink faced redhead.

Kyle's eyes widened as his eyes turned back to his crush. They were surrounded by popular kids. Multiple of them were looking at [Y/N]- but nowhere near the smitten look Kyle usually wore. They were uninterested- although a few of them had glints in their eyes, as if they hated the 9th grader for stealing their thunder.

Stan nudged him. "Go ask them, man." The boy in the poofball hat murred. Kyle nodded and shakily stood- anxiety leaking through his facade. Shaky footsteps led him to the table [Y/N] was at.

"Ah, h-hey, [Y/N]!" The redhead chirped, getting the other kid's attention. "Oh- hey, Kyle!" They said back, waving for the ushanka wearing boy to come over. Kyle did as he was beckoned to do.

"What's up, 'daaaaaayyy-walkerrr'?" The teenager said, dragging out the stupid nickname Cartman had given him. Kyle flinched slightly at their words- the other kid's [Eye Color] orbs stared at his hazel ones, along with everyone at the table. The glints in their eyes were still there.

"Hey, [Y/N], uh- I was wondering if you'd... y'know..." He trailed off.

"...go out later?"

[Y/N] flushed red and spat out the water they were drinking. "O-Oh-!" They sputtered out, hand moving to their mouth. The 10th graders burst out into laughter at their misfortune. Kyle flinched- shit, he embarrassed them infront of their friends, now they likely didn't-

"S-Sure, Kyle! W-Why n-not?" They said. Everyone at the table went silent- which slowly dragged the time along.

Kyle nodded, and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh... see you in a bit then!" He chirpwd, quickly turning heels and dashing back to his table.


[Y/N] stood infront of the school, waiting for their date to come pick them up. They rocked on their heels, excited for the date. They had a crush on Kyle for a while now, but was too acared to sat anything about it.

Speaking of Kyle, the usanka wearing redhead was coming towards them! [Y/N] waved him over.

"Hey, [Y/N]! You ready for our date?" Kyle hummed to them. They nodded back, a happy chirp escaping their mouth. "I sure am, Kyle!"

The two kids gloved hands clashed together, wrapping around eachother as they began to walk together. Their footsteps quickly fell into rhythm with eachother.

They talked as they walked their way to Stark's Pond- subjects ranging from their freinds to how cold it was outside.

"I'm telling you, Kyle- it's NOT that cold out right now!" They argued to the redhead. "[Y/N], I can see your breath! It's COLD!" Kyle howled back, patting the [fav color] jacket on the others back as they arrived to their destination.

The two of them stopped, looking over Stark's Pond. The lake looked brighter than normal, with the sun beating down on it. Sun beams almost cut through the normally icy waters.

[Y/N] raised their head to the sun, their hands gently pulling their [Sec Fav Color] hat off of their head. The sun quickly illuminated their [Hair Color] hair, making it shine.

Kyle couldn't help but stare. They looked adorable. They looked over the frozen lake and hummed, gently grabbing the boy's hand as they let out a small yawn.

Kyle hummed. "Want to go home? You sound tired." He murred to the other teen, who nodded. "Okay." He said, gently gripping their hand. He began to lead them to his house. Maybe they could watch a movie or something.


The two teens arrived at Kyle's house, which was empty. His parents and brother were out right now for a doctor's appointment.

The other kid's eyes wondered across the wall as Kyle got some popcorn. They held a remote, trying to choose a movie- but their  [Eye Color] eyes were occupied by the pictures of the family on the wall. They looked cute, they thought.

"Hey, [Y/N], want salt on the popcorn?" Kyle's voice cut through their haze. "Oh- uh, sure..?" They chirped back to the Jewish boy. Their eyes returned back to the tv, and they chose a random documentary about Red Pandas.

Kyle returned with the popcorn and settled on the couch with the other teen- who leaned their head onto his shoulder. The documentary started and the two teens began to eat.

The smaller teen began to drift off- Kyle was TALL, like a tree, they thought- and within minutes, was out cold. Kyle didn't last much longer. The remote and the bowl of popcorn fell to the ground, spilling out the flavored snack.

Later on, when Kyle's family returned, the two of them were cuddled up togwther- Kyle's arm had wrapped around the other, who had curled against the taller boy. Kyle's hat had fallen into his lap.

His parents took a picture of them, much to Kyle's dismay.


Apologies for making the whole story 3rd person! I hope you enjoyed it!

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