82 - SEKAI : Your Room or Mine?

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To summarize it up, Sehun is aware of how much and how frequent he already got himself involved in this set up, so the thing he isn't sure about is why the hell are these butterflies in his stomach still even existing while he lies on the right side of the bed with Jongin on his left.

He hopes morning would just quickly arrive before Jongin comes sucking his neck again like a vampire and leaving a noticeable hickey afterwards. He would have to tolerate Luhan's endless teasing again, and also probably Luhan aggravating that hickey with another hickey courtesy of himself.

A double hickey. That would surely hurt like hell.


Sehun hates himself for almost getting a heart attack.


"Do you know what I mean when I asked you, right?"

"Asked me what?"

"Asked you if you want to sleep with me."

"Oh, that. Yeah, I guess."

Jongin faces him with furrowed eyebrows. "Then why aren't you... doing anything?"

"What are you expecting me to do?"

"I don't know. Get naked?"

Sehun's eyes immediately widen in horror as he quickly gets out of the bed away from Jongin, "The fuck?"

"Hey, I thought you wanted to do it with me... You said yes, right?" Jongin sits up and frowns at him like a poor little baby, "I already put a 'Don't Disturb' sign outside the door, though..."

Five seconds later and Sehun finally realizes what Jongin was meaning to do when he exactly glimpses the tent on Jongin's boxer shorts. He is indeed outright fucking dumb not to understand that Jongin is not up for a mere make out session, but instead he wants a piece of his ass or his dick. Or whatever body part he owns.

Jongin, this fucking son of a bitch, is now smiling at him sheepishly like he is very proud of his goddamned erection.

"Fuck, are you insane!?" Sehun runs his fingers through his hair in an annoyed manner. "Go take care of that by yourself!"

"Why would I when you're already here to do it for me?"

"Dude. Don't expect me to touch that motherfucking dick of yours. Never."

Jongin smirks at him, "Will you suck it off, then?"

Sehun looks more scandalized even, hearing that. "What the hell? I thought we were just gonna sleep--- fuck no! Get away from me!" He immediately backs away when Jongin tries to grab his arm while being still seated on the bed.

"Seriously, Kim Jongin! No!"

"What!? Why not!?"

"I-I don't want to fuck with you!" Sehun screams while he points at the two of them, "No sex! Between Us! You and Me! No Fucking!"

"You're telling that to me now after making out with me a hundred times before!?" Jongin blurts out, "W-what's that all about, huh!? Remember when you pulled me to the library and asked me to kiss you!? That was the first time you initiated and we both liked it so much! What the fuck was that all about then, huh, DUDE!!!!!?"

Sehun's eyes widen as he gasps loudly, hearing that Dude in a really sarcastic way. How dare him!

"You don't come and fuck with my feelings because I'm gonna fuck you up," Jongin mutters, or rather threatens, as he stands up to walk towards Sehun. "I'm gonna fuck you up, you hear that?"

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