It Begins

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King's Row- seven days earlier

It was 10:30 and King's Row was unbearably quiet. Lights in buildings were left on and a few vehicles were dotted around the area, abandoned. An evacuation order was in place and the district cordoned off after Reaper was spotted prowling the area. Where Reaper was meant Talon weren't far behind. Therefore, Overwatch responded, sending out its own team to confront the Talon forces.

Kings Row had been the centre of a couple of battles recently, as well as Mondatta's assassination. This was something that the British government was no longer going to tolerate. Unknown to Overwatch or Talon, the government were preparing their response to the current situation.

The Overwatch force was comprised of six agents. Winston, who had decided to personally lead the team, along with Tracer, Mercy, Cassidy, Reinhardt and Torbjorn. The team had assembled near the clock tower, knowing Talon had stored something nearby. Winston had received a tip off about the attack and although a bit vague, he knew Talon had to come through here first.

"Any sign of trouble?" Winston asked Tracer, who was stood on the hotel balcony, watching the nearby church, where they suspected Talon was currently based.

"Nothing." Tracer replied, her cheerful manner not present in her reply.

"Are you okay Lena?" Mercy asked, noticing Tracer's lack of cheer. "You don't seem quite yourself."

Lena sighed. "Honestly, I'm worried Ang."

"About Emily?"

"No. Well yes I'm always worried about her..." Lena looked over to the Mondatta statue, a constant reminder of her failure to protect him. "This is my home Ang and it's been hit a lot recently. I don't know how much more London can take before something snaps."

Mercy wasn't given a chance to reply, as Tracer looked back towards the church, the doors opened.

"Heads up, Talon's inbound!" Tracer blinked over the nearby wall and moved into position, while Reinhardt raised his barrier, sealing up the gap between the wall.

A few seconds later, Reaper appeared, a number of Talon soldiers following close by. They opened fire on the barrier, which absorbed the damage as they pushed forward. Torbjorn placed a turret behind Reinhardt's barrier, assisting it by firing into the approaching enemy forces. Tracer blinked forward, attacking the troopers as well as Reaper, who all struggled to keep up with her as she blinked circles around them. Eventually, once she used her recall, she blinked back through the barrier, letting Mercy heal her back up.

The fight had only been a few minutes long and Reaper was already frustrated. With a chuck of Talon's initial force down, he turned into black smoke, flying over the wall and landing next to Reinhardt. As he appeared, he fired a number of rounds into the German's armour, causing a high amount of damage. Rein now dropped his barrier, forced to attack the intruder as Mercy kept her healing beam on him. This was exactly what Reaper wanted, turning back into wraith form and moving back behind the wall.

This move had given the Talon troops the chance to advance, some flanking through the hotel and getting behind the defensive line, forcing Overwatch back towards the clock tower. Reinhardt raised his barrier up once again, giving Torb the chance to place a new turret. Cassidy and Mercy were also behind the barrier, the cowboy being damaged boosted as he fired into the incoming forces.

Meanwhile, Winston and Tracer were diving into the middle of the enemy force, the two of them taking out a small number of them before Reaper began to spin up for a death blossom. Tracer quickly jumped into one of Winston's hands, before he jumped back to the team, avoiding the barrage of firepower and letting Mercy heal them up.

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