Chapter 1

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The afternoon sun shined through the windows casting a soft glow throughout the house. It was peaceful and relaxing which is something that is unheard of in the Griffin-Woods household. Especially when they had two kids.

Alycia, their 7-year-old was in school and Jake, their 10 month old son was currently taking his afternoon nap, leaving their parents to enjoy a rare quiet moment. The couple took full advantage of the limited serenity, along with Lexa's rare mid-week day off from work to watch something other than children's shows.

With the last season of Game Of Thrones on the horizon, they'd taken to re-watching the series whenever time would allow. This afternoon was one of those days.

They had long forgotten about the show and were instead lost in each other instead.

Lexa was currently laying on top of Clarke, and busy showering her wife was soft bites and kisses anywhere there was exposed skin.

Clarke loved the attention and pulled Lexa closer to her body. They knew better than to take it any further, knowing Jake could wake up at any time. Till then they decided to make out like a couple of teenagers.

Since Jake's birth, Clarke still had some soft curves left over from her pregnancy, which Lexa loved and told Clarke frequently 'how is it possible that she got even more beautiful'.

Much to Lexa's delight, Clarke's breasts had become even bigger since she nursing their children.

Clarke's pregnancy with Jake was not something they planned, but then again neither was Alycia's, both pregnancies were highly welcomed after the shock wore off.

As surprising as it was to find out they were pregnant a second time, the night they believed Jake was conceived, was a night neither of them would ever forget.

19 Months Earlier:

The whole family had all met up for their usual bi-weekly dinner. This week they'd chosen a new seafood restaurant.

Once the couples started having children, Abby and Jake came up with the idea to have everyone together at least twice a month. Except in the summer when they hosted family barbecue weekends.

Clarke with Lexa and Alycia. Raven with her wife Anya with their daughter Madison. Octavia with her husband Lincoln and their son 8-month-old son Adam, along with Jake and Abby took up one large table in the back of the restaurant.

Dinner flowed like always with light conversations as Abby and Jake caught up with their "children" and "grandchildren".

Alycia and Madison were both cooing over their cousin who was currently being bounced in Abby's lap as his little hands tried to reach for everything on the table.

Ever since Clarke brought Raven and Octavia home, Abby along with Jake instantly took a liking to their daughter's friends. The girls quickly started referring to them as Mama and Papa G.

So it really was no surprise to anyone when the older Griffins took to Madison and Adam as well.

Even though Alycia was their only biological grandchild, that didn't stop them from adopting everyone else's children as their own.

Abby even cried like any grandma would when Madison called her "Grammy Abby" for the first time.

After everyone finished eating the children started getting antsy, meaning it was time to head home, but not before the usual battle over the check. Which usually ended with Jake winning.

Everyone parted with hugs and kisses with Lincoln insisting the next round was on him, but Jake laughed it off like he always did. Besides holidays, this was the only time they got to have everyone they loved together so Jake always picked up the tab.

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