Yonji: Whatever brother after all her focus will be on me 

Sanji: You, you mean me gorilla 

Yonji: What did you call me heh you pineapple 

Sanji: Oh you little 

Reiju enters the room with an a bamboo stick looking very pissed off about her brothers actions.

Reiju: (Hits them on the head) WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING 

Yonji: Oww what was that for 

Reiju: In case you guys didn't forget today is your wedding day and if you ruin it for me and I/C I will murder you guys all at once  (Coughs) 

Ichiji: Reiju are you alright 

Reiju: (Stunned) Are you really Ichiji or do you have a fever (Feels his forehead) you feel alright though

Ichiji: I don't have a fever 

Reiju: Strange then why are you acting like you care for me 

Ichiji: Because I do 

Reiju: My lord she has changed you A LOT 

Niji: You just noticed oh dear lord 

The wedding started. I/C was at the end of the aisle where she was with her white kimono with her makeup and he other side was where her grooms were. Reiju shedded a few tears next to her was a painting of her mother looking young and beautiful as ever. After the ceremony ended I/C walked to Reiju to give her sister in law a bug warm hug. Also I/C's father and mother were there crying like a bunch of kids getting their candy taken away. 

I/C's Mother: (Crying) Oh my baby girl has grown up 

I/C: Mother please stop crying your going to make me cry as well 

I/C's Mother: (Wipes away tears) I'm sorry 

I/C: Anyway I'm glad you and father were able to come to this special event 

I/C's Father: My daughter how are are you 

I/C: I'm doing great

I/C's Father: Did the those perverted disgraceful princes do anything bad to you 

I/C: No father I'm absolutely fine 

I/C's Mother: Now honey common she's a grown woman now she can take care of herself 

I/C: That's right father I am 

Ichiji,Niji,Sanji, and Yonji along with Reiju we're approaching I/C and her parents to at least get a good relationship with one another. 

Ichiji: I'm glad to meet you sir 

I/C's Father: You too Vinsmoke Ichiji 

I/C: Father he's your son in law now at least treat him like one 

I/C's Mother: (Laughing) Oh you boys are so sweet (Pinching Yonji and Sanji's cheek) 

Sanji: Thank you your Majesty 

I/C's Mother: Oh just call me Mother 

Yonji: Also this is for you Mother (Hands her a box wrapped in golden paper) 

I/C's Mother: (Opened it) Wow these are the sustania mushroom theire really rare to find since they are really hard to harvest thank you (Hugs Yonji) your such a sweet young man 

Yonji: It's no problem if you need more I can always send more to you 

I/C's Father: Now for you two what do you think about my little girl 

I/C: Father 

I/C's Father: What I'm just asking 

Ichiji: She's the sweetest and most intelligent woman I have ever met 

Niji: Not to mention her dancing and singing skills were like no other in this world 

I/C's Father: That's all I need to hear 

The conversation continued for a while till I/C's mother and father had to go back to their domain to deal with some situation happening. I/C was the most happiest girl in the whole room where she was drinking sake with her in laws as well meeting new friends. Judge expression was expected to look like he couldn't give a damn at all but he was smiling laughing. Which surprised  I/C to see her father in law like that. 

Ichiji: So what do you think about today babe

I/C: (Blush) Don't call me that (Sigh) 

Niji: Why not honey 

I/C: Don't call me that either geez 

Sanji: Anyway this is going to be a new start for all of us 

Yonji: Yup and we'll face it together 

The newly wedded couples were at the after party and then started partying hard to the point where I/C was knocked out. 

TBC Sorry I didn't make it detailed as possible but I'll do better next time 

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