04: You always amaze me.

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Overhaul and I were sitting in awkward silence waiting for Miku to finish our orders. "Alright sir, here is yours!" Miku walked out from the back of the café handing him a pastel box.

"And yours too BFF!" I blushed from her phrase. "God, you're embarrassing." I sighed. She only giggled in response.

"Thank you." Overhaul told Miku. He started to walk out the door. "Oh wait stranger!" Miku yelled for him. He hmmed in response as he turned around.

"You're really cute, date my friend!" I smacked her upside the head as hard as I could. "OW, What the hell?!" "You'll shut up if you know what's good for Miku!" I growled at her.

"Dude, just leave before it gets more embarrassing. And I'm sorry for her." I gave Overhaul a warm smile and he only nodded in response as he left. "I hate you soo much." She gave me a nervous smile. "Come on! Now that douche is gone you should go out and have fun!" Miku told me.

I let out a sigh. "Thanks for the cake, I'm gonna go." She gave me a soft wave before I left and of course, I waved back. I breathed in the city air, Miku did say to have fun.

But I have no clue what to do. Right on time I had a phone call. Right as I answered, I knew someone was watching me. It was the bird in the white. Well, that's his code name for now.

"Yo, who's calling?" "Missed me?" Tomura chuckled into the phone. "Dude, we talked this morning and there's now way in hell I miss you."

"Aw, don't be so cold~." "Yeah whatever, I have cake to be eating, so hurry up." I responded coldly.

The bird is getting closer.

I started heading in the direction of him to try and get him to back up a bit. I saw him move more into the shadows. "I know you're trying to find out more about the villain Overhaul." I stopped in my tracks. "You have my attention." I responded.

"Meet me at the bar, and we'll talk more." "Okay and I better be able to eat my cake you cock waffle." I growled at him. "What the fuck is a-" I hung up.

Why is one of Overhauls lackies following me?

I started passing by more people faster, but the bird in white kept coming. I swerved my way into an alley hoping he'd still follow so we could have a chat. "I know you're not following me for my cake, well it depends on what kinda 'cake' we're talking about." I turned around and faced the stalker.

The bird in white let out a chuckle. "I wasn't expecting that answer." I just gave him a shrug. "Overhaul may have not noticed, but you have the same outfit as that girl." He told me.

"What, do you think I'm some villains ex or something?" "Stop playing dumb!" He barked at me.

My hair was standing on end. This fear, I really do love it. "Dude calm down, I've never been with your boss." It seems like I was only pissing him off more.

"STOP MESSING AROUND." He went to grab at me, but I was too quick. Before he could grab me, I swung up my foot that caused his mask to fly off his face.

"SORRY!" I shouted as the black mist formed around me. I saw his white ish hair shaped like arrows before I disappeared. After the black mist suspended I was face to face with Tomura. "So, um. Want some cake?" I looked at Tomura with a smile.

"You always amaze me (Y/n). Anyways, someone is meeting up here so cover your face if you must. I do still think you should join the league." "Maybe one day." I responded.

"Who you meeting up with?" "Some new recruits." He told me. "So, this info on Overhaul please."
After I'm guessing 20 minutes, of Tomura telling me what he knew about Overhaul. Such as that Overhaul wants to bring back the yakuza and rid the world of quirks because he believes quirks are a plague. Also how he calls his little group the 8 precepts of death. I think the boudism idea was kinda cool.

After I fished my cake I let out a sigh. "I'm not joining Tomura." He looked at me through the fingers of his father. He 'tsked' at me. "Then leave, but I'll convince you sooner or later." I giggled at his childish attitude. "Later 'baby'. Just kidding!" I blew him a kiss after walking off with a laugh.

Even though I was almost attacked, I'm gonna go to the park.
It was about a 20 minute walk including another stop for cake. But something strange caught my eye. A very young girl wrapped in bandages with pure white hair. She looked scared.

I walked up to her and crouched to her size. "What is young Alice doing in wonderland?" I asked her as sweetly as I could. "H-HELP!" She grabbed onto me like she was about to die, digging her nails into my arm. "Shhh, it's okay. Do you like cake?" I asked.

She just looked at me with teary eyes and shrugged. "Would you like some?" She paused for a minute but ended up nodding her head. I picked her up and gave her a warm smile, trying to comfort her as I held her small head close to me. "Well, let's go."

I walked over to the bench I had sat my cake on. I sat down and slowly put her next to me. She looked down at her feet as I grabbed the pastel box and handed it to her. I pulled of the top to reveal the vanilla cake.

Her eyes widen at the sweet like she had never seen it before. I scoped up a piece of icing and ate it. She stared at me. "Well, go on. Eat all of it if you want." She looked back at the cake while grabbing the piece and taking a bite. Her eyes light up. "Yummy!"

I giggled at her action. "Do you like it?" "Yeah! Thank you!" She gave me a big smile and I only blushed. Being a not very social person, I don't really get smiled at. "Eri, what are you doing?" I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a familiar face. The face of the villain Overhaul.

How does he know this little girl?

When I looked back at her, she was staring at her cake, but she wasn't happy. She was scared.

You're my hero. Overhaul ☆DISCONTINUED☆ (Chisaki Kai) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now