crappy hunting skills

Start from the beginning

They both heard a knock on the door and looked back. One of them, a guy, sighed and looked at the girl who was with him. "Did you break his phone?"

"Shoot." The girl grabbed a gun, and the two of them braced themselves for a hunter to come through the door.

Instead, Dean quietly came out of the closet and cut their heads off. Their bodies fell to the floor. Dean was breathing heavily. He kneeled down to Sam, cupping his face in his hands. "Sammy? Can you hear me?" Sam's head was limp in his arms.

Bobby came inside, looking at Dean. He was the one who knocked at the door, which distracted the vamps for Dean.

Dean untied Sam and pulled him close. He stroked his hair, tears running down his face. "I'm so sorry, Sammy." He then looked at the bowl of blood by Sam's feet. He was angry. "They were draining his blood, Bobby. He could've died in here."

Bobby patted his back. "We should get him to a hospital. He'll be fine."

Dean stood up, lifting Sam with him. He followed Bobby outside and he carefully got in the backseat, holding Sam next to him. During the car ride, Sam stirred and woke up. He groaned weakly, looking up at Dean. "Dean...?"

"Hey, kiddo. You're gonna be okay. Just stay calm." Dean said gently. He'd taken a cloth and put it around Sam's wrist to stop the bleeding and make his condition stable.

"I messed up."


"I think so."

"Tell me what happened." Dean said gently, rubbing circles on Sam's back.

"I dunno. I cut one of their heads off. I don't remember anything else. Except for my blood draining out of my body. It was pretty bad. I passed out every time I woke up because of the needle." Sam sighed gently, trying not to look at his wrist.

"I'm sorry." Dean said sympathetically.

"It's okay. I should've been more careful. I mean, that's what you always tell me. You tell me not to let my guard down. So does Dad. Maybe I shouldn't hunt anymore." Sam said softly, feeling really discouraged. He'd practiced a lot for the hunt.

"Sam, I'll go with you next time. And we'll practice more and research more about vamps, okay? You'll do great." Dean smiled kindly.

"You won't mention this to Dad?" Sam said, sitting up fully. He looked out the window. It was almost dark. He didn't think they'd been in the car so long.

"No, I won't." Dean said softly. He watched as Bobby started cursing quietly, and the car slowed down to a stop. "Bobby? What is it?"

"Car stopped. And I have no phone service here." Bobby got out angrily to check the engine and see if there was some way he could start it back up. Sam's life was at stake, after all.

Dean stepped out of the car, telling Sam to stay put. He stepped over to the front of the car where Bobby was standing. "How's the car?"

"It's busted. I don't know what to do about Sam. I might walk up the road, I see a few houses. You wanna stay with Sam? Keep him stable?" Bobby asked, closing the hood of the car and looking at Sam through the window. Sam was sound asleep.

"Yeah, sure." Dean nodded, getting back in the car. Luckily, it wasn't very hot outside so Sam wouldn't suffocate in the car. He sat down next to Sam and decided to rest a bit until Bobby came back.

A couple hours later, Dean woke up to Bobby knocking on the car window. He looked around and saw an ambulance nearby, with a stretcher already near the car. He rubbed his eyes and got out, going to the other side of the car and opening the car door. He fixed Sam's hair and stepped aside so the police officers and nurses could get Sam onto the stretcher.

Dean watched as they wheeled Sam into the ambulance. He walked away a good distance, tears willing up in his eyes. He kneeled down, covering his face as he cried. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back to see Bobby. Bobby enveloped him in a hug, holding the crying boy. "Sam's gonna be fine."

"I know." Dean sniffled, wiping his face.

"They said we can ride in the ambulance. Do you wanna-?"

"Yeah." Dean said, interrupting Bobby and quickly getting up to rush to the ambulance. He got inside and Bobby sat with him.

The nurse informed Dean and Bobby that Sam was okay and stable. But he needed more blood. Dean gave the nurse his wrist so she could give Sam more blood. He sighed slightly, fixing Sam's hair. "I'm sorry, Sammy."

Sam woke up, gazing up at Dean. He smiled slightly. "It's okay."

The nurse took the equipment out of Dean's arm, once he knew Sam had enough and was stable. "He'll be fine."

Dean thanked her, holding Sam's hand to reassure him. "You're gonna be okay, Sammy."

"I know." Sam chuckled gently. "I feel fine."


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