Chapter 2: Odd Encounter

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The cool, ocean breeze flowed through her peach hair as a river would, Pearl tugging an exited Steven up the hill with her. Her legs were starting to give out, still showing determination to get to the lighthouse as she struggled through the daunting reminder she was soon going to tire out and fall to her knees. That self-deprecating thought was eradicated, however, as her gaze found Garnet and Amethyst waiting outside the lighthouse. Giving a sigh of relief, she let go of Steven's hand and allowed him to run up to the taller, darker woman.

Pearl panted, hands on knees as she tried to catch her breath. A tan hand was offered to her, which she reluctantly took, glancing up at the younger, lavender-haired girl. "That hill too much for ya, P?"

"Oh, hush, I'm fine, Amethyst.." Pearl insisted, following her to greet Garnet.

"Heh. Didn't think you'd make it." the darker one commented, glancing over at the thin one.

The one in judgement rolled her eyes, "Well, you thought wrong." She straightened and stretched a bit. "Then what're we waiting for? Let's see this telescope."

Steven gave a cheer of excitement, rushing into and up the stairs of the lighthouse. On instinct, Pearl went to get him. "Steven, wait for," Garnet enclosed her grip around Pearl's wrist. "G-Garnet, let me—!"

Garnet shushed her. "He's fourteen, now, isn't he? He can handle things on his own."

"But.." Still holding the will to protest, Pearl's eyes lifted as she saw Steven eagerly peering over the metal banister atop the Lighthouse. Sure, she'd only been taking care of him for two years, but.. he did show some independence. Finally crestfallen, she sighed and freed her arm from Garnet's grip, making her way up the spiral staircase towards Steven.

Her lips curled into a smile in the way he gazed at the blue-metalled telescope in sweet, childish awe. He still was that little baby she hesitantly took into her arms over a decade ago. Whether he liked it, or not.


"...And that's the moon. It was a lot fainter to see, before, but because it's a little later in the da.. oh." Pearl finally pulled away from the Telescope and looked around. The sky was a deep blue, signalling how late it was. "Stars, how long've I been rambling? We should get going alrea.."

Her eyes descended to a sluggish Steven trekking down the staircase, turning her cheeks a light pink. God, she needed to control herself when it came to intellectualism.

Following hurriedly after Steven, Pearl hugged her scarf tighter around her neck, just enough that she could breathe easily but be kept warm in the cold night's air.

"Sorry, Steven, I shouldn't have rambled.." she apologised as they walked along the beach. Giving a heavy yawn, Steven shrugged, "'S fine, Pearl.. it was cool looking at all the planets and stuff.."

She gave a curt giggle. "I never thought you'd like space-related things." she chided, ruffling his hair.

He chuckled and swatted her hand away. Her eyes wouldn't stop glancing back at the lighthouse, and it only took a few more longing gazes at it for her to stop in her tracks. "Steven, will you be okay walking home on your own?"

At first he seemed confused, before giving a thumbs up. "Uhhh sure! You got adult stuff to do?"

"Oh, Steven, I'm barely an adult, but.. yes, I have something I need to do," she started to walk towards the red-striped tower. "There's some pizza leftovers from yesterday if you get hungry, sorry if I'm late back!"

When she turned back to look at him, he was running back to the house in anticipation of a delicious cheese pizza. Turning on her heel to keep walking, she couldn't stop a small chortle of laughter.

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