Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hellllllloooooo guys! I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. :( But, I promise the next one will be much longer. In fact, some drama is about to ensue mwaahhahahah. Anyways, please enjoy and comment and vote and share and all that jazz. :) Thank you!


“Oh my God!” Zara squealed, tightly embracing her sister as she walked through the door of her old house and into the small hallway that led into the rest of the apartment. Eira laughed, trying to escape her sister’s suffocating grasp.

“Zara,” she wheezed, failing to push her away. “I can’t breathe.” Suddenly, Zara’s weight was being pulled off of her—and fast. Eira sighed in relief, watching with a vaguely amused smile as her sister’s eyes narrowed in irritation.

“What the heck!” she cried, whirling to glare accusingly at her brother-in-law. Elias was still gripping her wrist, a frown on his face.

“You were suffocating my wife,” he stated simply, giving her a look that clearly read, “Watch it.” Eira and Zara both rolled their eyes.

“Oh, well, sorry. I didn’t know I was prohibited from hugging my own sister,” Zara replied brusquely, still staring at him in disbelief. Elias’s lips curled into a smile at her typically snarky attitude.

“Yeah, well, she’s my wife first. And I don’t appreciate people trying to cut off her breathing. So hands off,” he said teasingly. Zara smiled, but before she could say anything, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled it out of Elias’s grip.

“How about you take your hands off my wife,” a voice said, making all of them turn towards it.

“Mikael?” Elias said, staring at his brother with a confused, surprised expression. “What are you doing here?”

Mikael, who had been glaring at Elias with as much anger as he could muster, slipped his hand out of Zara’s and wrapped it around her waist instead. “What,” he said, his facial muscles relaxing into the same leisurely, boyish state they were usually in. “You can come visit your sister-in-law but I can’t come visit my wife?” He looked down at Zara and smiled brightly, his grip around her tightening just a little. Zara rolled her eyes, but Eira and Elias could both see she was blushing.

“She’s not your wife yet,” Elias said, smiling and arching an eyebrow at his little brother. He’d never seen him this crazy about a girl. In fact, it was almost surreal seeing him with the same one over and over again. It kind of made Elias wonder when this strange routine would come to an end and his brother would return to playing the field like the Casanova he was—or, by the looks of it—used to be.

Nevertheless, whatever happened, Elias hoped this wouldn’t stop. That Mikael wouldn’t digress back into his ways and ruin something that was going so well for him, something that not only made him happy, but also helped him become a better person. Not only that, but—from what Elias had noticed—this relationship seemed to be benefiting Zara just as much as it was his little brother. She had developed into a much calmer, more laidback person since Mikael had appeared in her life. Though her sassy remarks and sarcasm hadn’t shown any signs of changing yet—and probably never would.

“Hey,” she said now, gritting her teeth at Elias. “We’re still engaged, you know.”

Eira laughed and shook her head at her sister. “Gosh, Zara, you haven’t changed a bit since the last time I saw you. And here I was thinking maybe Mikael would have solved that little problem by now,” she said, glancing at him pointedly.

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