This is all your fault

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Franks eyes fell on Gerard, who was sat talking confidently to the boss of the whole company, Tyler Joseph. Frank had never even uttered a word to Mr Joseph, he was a god in these parts.  Gerard's smile faded as his golden-brown eyes locked on to Franks green ones.
"Um, sorry I'm late sir," Frank coughed, "Traffic" he made up a lame excuse to Mr Joseph. Not daring to break eye contact with Gerard. They needed to talk.
"Mr Iero," Frank jumped as Mr Joseph addressed him
"I do not appreciate how late you were, it happens a lot. It makes me ask the question, are you committed to your work Frank?" Mr Joseph said in a cold steely tone. Frank gulped hard,
"Yes Sir"
"Are you sure Frank?"
"Yes Sir, I promise, this job is very important to me" a bead of sweat ran down franks forehead. Gerard was looking at Mr Joseph, as if begging him to not say the next few words that came or of his mouth.
"Mr Iero, I was going to give you a promotion for all your hard work for this company, but due to these circumstances, I will be awarding it to Gerard."
Frank choked and spluttered. Gerard slunk down in his chair, refusing to even look at Frank. This was all his fault. Frank saw red. He turned on his heel and like a child ran out of the room and slammed the door. He was furious, he had been hoping to get that promotion for months, and Gerard knew it!Had he planned to make Frank late so he could get the promotion? Had he done that on purpose?


Frank arrived home, pushed the door open, sighed, and climbed into bed. Not bothering to undress or close the curtains. He fell asleep.

Frank was woken up by Gerard sneaking in, he was trying to softly close the door behind him, but the door loudly clicked shut anyway. It was dark outside, Frank had been asleep for a few hours. Great, he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.
Frank sat up, he could hear Gerard in the hall way downstairs. The pink shirt was wrinkled like a prune and the tie was wrapped around his neck. The newly washed white sheets of the bed were covered in mud from Frank's shoes which he forgot to take off before falling asleep. Frank swore under his breath.
The stairs were creaking, which meant Gerard was climbing up the stairs. Still quietly to try not to disturb Frank, even though he must have known how loud the door was. As Gerard passed Frank's room, Frank could hear a couple of muffled sobs coming from Gerard as he walked down the hallway. Almost tricking frank into feeling sorry for him.
Frank took a gulp of air to clear his mind, the door of Gerard's room squeaking shut. The sobs became louder, echoing from Gerard's room. Frank rolled his eyes. Gerard obviously felt bad for what happened a few hours ago, but Frank wasn't having any of it.
He thought for a good while about how he should approach Gerard and settled on one option.
Frank slowly pushed the door to Gerard's room open. He took in his room, it had been a while since he had last been in there. All the walls were painted black, even the ceiling, and covered in detailed comic drawings. Drawings of monsters and heroes, servants and kings,  great battles and small victories. The drawings were amazing, Frank was taken aback.
Gerard was sat on his bed, the covers thrown to one side. He looked up at Frank when he entered, giving him the best "I'm innocent" puppy dog eyes.
Frank made his way over to Gerard who was watching him, but refusing eye contact. Frank perched next to Gerard awkwardly, their knees brushing occasionally.
"So, Gerard." Frank said, ice creeping into his voice, face steely and cold.
"Frank look, I'm so so sorry I-" Frank slapped Gerard. Hard. In the face.

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