Chapter 1

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Note: I am a newbie in making a full length novel. Please bear with me with errors... If I do have one, please point it out to me politely. *O* 


Type: 001A

The Case 

This was a nice summer day. I am by the cliff, staring at the horizon. The red shades fade as it reaches towards the line of the sea and the sky emanates a shimmering moon as it is reflected through the ocean. Seems like a path way. As I return to the cabin, Noirre waited for me this whole time as if he used to do it.

"Please tell me you didn't came back from the seashore.", he told me with a sigh.

"No, I wasn't. I was on a cliff, watching the horizon as I watch its reflection on the sea.", I replied.

"Oh no... How many times do I have to warn you to never desire on leaving the base camp?", he said sternly.

"How come you get to go out to see the world?", I asked.

"Cylvette, there are some matters discussed in the proper time.", he said while muttering something to his self.

"Alright, alright, I'll just be glad that they have given me a home to live in.", I replied even though I wasn't satisfied.

"Good, now I need you to get back there before your illness can take effect again.", he said with poignant tone.

"Okay, Noirre. I'll be good. Good luck with your trip.", I said as he waved and vanished through the gates of the camp.

Being in camp, this made me feel secluded from other people. This camp was for people who no longer have a family, who left their family and for those who are being thrown in here. Me? My family was murdered. Category: no longer have a family. This is a strange thing around here but every one of us seems to be getting 'medicines', 'shots' and the like. It seems that people like us have one illness in this camp. It's like an epidemic but it doesn't seem like a virus. It's more of an inborn sort of thing. For me, I get a few headaches and some pain in my right chest but other than that, I'm as fit as a fiddle.

I need to talk to the counselor now. We all have a session with her. She helps us take away whatever bad feelings we have like magic. Well, as long as she is there, we're able to feel like we're free again. Although there are times the others get angry for some reasons. I had never tried it but it seems like bad news. As I reach her garrison through an underground passage, I greeted Lisette but it seems that she had a shock when she left from the session. I'm not here to pry so I'll continue on moving to my counselor.

"Hello, Cylle.", she casually said.

"Hello, Ms. Sara Luwetta.", I uttered.

"Have you felt any severe pain lately?", she tried to verbalize it like she didn't know how to say it.

"There was a slight headache, lasted about 10 minutes. But other than that, it seems I'm good.", I tried to say it without losing my composure.

"Hmm... Was it just awhile ago up until now?", she asked as if she expected it.

"Oh, how did you know?", I blew up my lie. I'm a terrible liar.

"It's just that you try to shake it off by massaging your head. That won't help unless it's frequently occurring you know.", she tried to elucidate it as if it were a simple matter.

"I know, but it's excruciating, Miss Sara. I can't help it.", I tried to reason with her.

"The medicine will help. Here, some aspirin.", she offered it with a glass of water.

"Thank you. You're very kind. How come you're nicer than everyone else?", I doubtfully asked.

"Well, I tried.", she said with a smile.

"Even though you're new here, you treat me like you knew me so well.", I said.

"W-well, when in times of need, I'm here for you.", she said with a change of tone.

The session was more or less just talk. This is my first one since I came here four days ago. I don't know with her but I think she knows something about the camp. Why are we drinking pills? For what are the reasons of our illness? How come I get two shots when everyone gets only one? Am I up to something that I shouldn't be? Is there any way that will let me know reasons?

Okay, I need to relax, but I can't. For some reason, there's something in this camp and I am going to find it. I don't know whether Noirre is going to lend me a hand on this or not. But whatever this is, it is my obligation. I need to know what I should know and I need to understand on why it is like this in this facility.

First of all, I hear faint screams everywhere. The people whom we call 'fosters' tells us every time that people dreamt of the time they were abandoned or something like that. Well, that could be a clue. Second, the pills each foster has. It seems that they're handy and they are always ready on what's going to happen. They were this distinct pale dark baby blue colored shirt and white slacks. The women have this sorta cap thing on their heads that's also white colored. However, the men had none of these. Sound's suspicious? Hmm... I need more leads. The last clue that I could find is that no one leave the camp on these islets. It's like we're bound to be together for some basis that we all have. I'm sure it's not the illness because fosters have it, too but it looks like we have a different occurrences. Well, that's all I have. It can be connected but it's not enough. I need evidence and proof.

It's almost curfew time. My foster is going to pick me up and we'll head to our cabin. His name is Leicester Porter. He's like a father to me, always taking care of me and shares my woes with me. And he's like my best friend too. We played some games over the past four days. He always apologizes for my bad attitude. Well, excuse me. I'm not a perfect human.

"Cylvette, how's everything with Noirre?", he asked.

"Adding my sadness, eh?", I replied with remorse.

"Ooh.. I'm sorry. Let's head for the cabin.", he changed the topic.

"Oh! I can't wait for your homemade meals~", I said with an excited face.

We headed home and had Leice's famous chicken and fried rice meal. My favorite is pork chop-bit rice meal. Oh, that would be a treat. I also have love two of his desserts, Miss Sachetorte and Glass Treat. Glass Treat is the one in a wine cup glass and then he puts vanilla ice cream on top of the chocolate cake then layered with cream, minced strawberry and pudding bits. I don't know what sorcery he used to fit the cake in the wine glass but everything was so delicious that I could die happily. But wait, I'm missing something. Is... he an international famous chef? If so, why would he be a volunteer foster in this camp and never had the urge to leave? Well, I better go to sleep.

This was not how I planned it, said the voice. I could no longer hold it in me. It needs to be free. I seek it. I want it. The voice continued echoing. There's was no point on getting out of it until I heard a different but familiar voice. "Cylvette, wake up! Please, don't make yourself suffer!", the other voice said. There will be one day that I'll come back for you, Celty Mervintosch. The voice said to my ear as I tried to wake up. When I finally came to my senses, my eyes are itching to sleep but my shivering body wouldn't allow me to. I waited for the sunrise to assure me that it was safe for me to go out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2013 ⏰

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