I sighed, and walked into his arms for a hug.

"She's absolutely terrible Nick." I whined, and he kissed my hair.

"I know, but you can't let her get to you Dems."

I nodded, and wiped my face.

"Let's go."

We walked back into the dining room and I stopped short. Mac was sitting on Amber's lap, and my newest sister was about to feet her a fork full of pecan pie.


The entire room froze as I rushed over and ripped Mac from her arms.

"She's allergic! Did she eat any?!"

Amber shook her head but I could see red patches forming on Mac's cheeks.

"You kissed her?!"

Amber's face turned red, "I wanted to get close with my niece..."

I shook my head and focused on my daughter in my arms instead of the girl in front of me.

"Amber I think it's best of you leave." My mom murmured, and she stood up, grabbing her purse.

"I think you're right. It's getting late anyway... I'll see you around Demi."

Or not.

I forced a smile, "Bye."

As soon as the door shut behind her, I walked into the kitchen holding Mac, my mom and Nick right behind me.

"Do you have-"

My mom was already in motion, grabbing the Benadryll to calm Mac's allergic reaction. Fortunately, she ate the tablet without protest, and buried her face in my neck.

My mom sighed, "I'm sorry Demi. I didn't know she would say or do all of that."

I shook my head, "It's fine mom. It's not your fault."

She smiled and patted Mac's back, "It's gonna make her really sleepy, so you might wanna get her comfortable on the couch"

I looked down at the now drowsy five year old, "Actually, I'm really tired too. I'm just gonna take her up to bed with me." My mom nodded and walked out while Nick pulled Mac and I into one of his huge hugs.

"Do you want me to come up with you?"

I sighed, and kissed him lightly, "No I want a little alone time with her."

He nodded and moved back MAc's hair to kiss her forehead.

I went into the bedroom and fell onto the bed. Mac looked up at me, being unnaturally quiet.

"What's up baby?"

She just shook her head and touched her face, "Ouch."

I sighed, knowing this would happen sooner or later, and pulled her into my arms as she began to wail, wetting my t-shirt and fisting the material in her tiny hands.

"Shhh I've got you. It's gonna go away soon."

True to my word, about ten minutes later she looked up, much of the red spots had disappeared from her face.

"Feel better?" She nodded pitifully and dove back into the crook of my neck. I gently stroked pattens with my fingertips on her back. "Shh baby go to sleep. You'll feel better."

She sniffled, then mumbled something.

"What was that?"

Mac lifted her head and her bottom lip trembled, "Sing?"

I smiled, and she let her head drop back on my chest as I began to sing.

Lullaby baby blue,

Time to kick off your rockin' shoes.

And hug the pillow on your bed.

Lay down your sleepy head,

Goodnight baby blue.

Close your eyes, baby blue.

The moonlit sky watches over you.

So close your eyes, baby blue.

I stopped singing once Mac's breathing had evened out and I knew she was asleep. I sighed in content. Amber was gone and Mac is safe in my arms where she belongs. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.


I woke up laying next to Nick. Mac wasn't in the room so I assumed she was either in Maddie's room or in the loft on the pullout couch. My stomach felt so full I could barely stand it. I needed to throw up, I had to.

Do it Demi.

You can't get fat or Nick will leave you.

He'll find someone better.

Obediently, I got out of the bed carefully to not wake up Nick, he'd know where I was going in an instant. I slowly padded down the hallway to the bathroom. Before I could even touch the handle, it turned and opened. Mac stood there, her hair messed up and in feetie pajamas.

"Mama?" She yawned, and the guilt nearly shattered me.

"Hey baby." I murmured, picking her tiny body up. Mac yawned and cuddled into me, her arms around my neck as I walked back to the bedroom and placed her between Nick and I.

I laid there for a few minutes, if Mac hadn't been in that bathroom, would I have still purged?

The answer to that question terrified me.


When I woke up in an empty bed, the memories from last night were the first things on my mind. I was extremely frustrated with myself, and as I stomped down the stairs to where my family was, I did not want to be spoken to at all.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Nick chuckled, going to take my waist but I pushed past him, walking into the kitchen where I filled my plate up with fruit and sat down at the table, slamming my plate down and stabbing a piece of pineapple. I glanced up and everyone's eyes quickly turned from me back to their plates.

"I thought the Grinch was supposed to get nicer after Christmas, not the other way around." Maddie said, and everyone at the table except for me, and Mac- who was too preoccupied with her breakfast, snickered.

I laughed, loud and sarcastic, "Wow Madison! You're SO funny!"

She rolled her eyes, "I've been waiting to use that one since I woke up, this happens every year."

I harshly put down my fork, "And why do you think that is Maddie? Why do you think I'm in a bad mood after Christmas every year since I was fourteen?!"

Her face went white as my words sunk in.

"Demi... You didn't..." My mom started.

"No. But I wanted to."


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