chapter 3:

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Soo yeon's pov:

My roommates and i decided to move out from now !
All of us were really happy by how our rooms look good.
As all girls does ,we were taking pictures of our rooms :)
When i saw yeo rin taking picture with a camera !
After a while we sits on the sofa and talked.
Then hana said:
"-So guys presente yourselves"
"I'm yeo rin ,I'm half Japanese and half korean,i really like animes and drawing and also taking photo ,but what you don't know it's that I'm a photographer, and tomorrow it's my first day at this job , I'll be a photographer in a commercial company (^○^)!
"Oh so that's why you were taking picture with a camera !oh good like " i said.
"-Jinja good luck :)" hana said with a cute smile.
"Good luck!" min seo and soo-ah said
"-What about you soo yeon?" Soo-ah said .
"Um ...I'm soo yeon ,i have a cate,i love drawing as yeo rin ,i love makeup and I'm gonna be a makeup artiste , so I've study in a school of arts for two years ,and this year is the last one ,and i have a test tomorrow for that! "
"-oh you are young and you are doing good , good luck" all my roomate said.
"Oh i know all my friends siad that also ,and you min seo ?what about you ?" I said.
"Oh well ,I'm min seo ,I'm half korean and a half chinese ,i really like to listening to pop music ,and i like freestyle dance, i want to realise my dream ,wich is to be a professional dancer,and this year is the last one ! And I'm asking you to not talk to me with a formal way because in anyways we'll be friends "
"Ok then fighting unni 화이팅 온니" i said and started to laugh with a shy face .
"Oh you are really cute when you shy " min seo said.
"Do i?" I answered.
"Yes" soo-ah reply .
"Oh now it's you ,tell us about you" i said to change the subject .

"Oh.. I'm soo-ah ,i really love drawing ,and sometimes i draw designs of clothes so that why i would like to be a designer and I'm gonna study at a school of arts ,but in a classroom only for beginners designers and tomorrow it's my first day at school "
"Fighting !"we all says to her.
"Now the first one who asked us is the last one to tell us about herself" yeo rin said .
Then we all laughed.
"So tell us about yourself " She said.
"Oh I'm hana ,i really like to read stories, i want to become an author, and writing stories or science-fictions is my favourite hobby ,and i love doing sport ,I'm going to study at a school of arts as soo-ah and soo yeon ,but i don't know if i can...."then she started to cry , we don't know why !
"Hana? Why you're crying" i said.
"Hana are you okay?" Yeo rin said.
"Hana is something up? Maybe we can resolve it!" Min seo.

Now she's crying badly and really worst than 1 minute ago !

"Hana take a deep breath , and relax ,okey?"
She was trying to do as Soo-ah suggested to her ,and now she's calm .
"Guuurll now it's good so your eyes won't be tired ,let's go for a walk and me " min seo suggested.
"Yes 네!"

Then prepare yourself,and let's change our pyjamas first, we have to be ready in 20 minutes okay?"min seo said
"Yes " hana answered .
Hana wears

Min seo wears

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Min seo wears

Min seo wears

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efore min seo and hana i asked them a question:
" i miss my cat ,is it okey if i take my cat and live with us ?"
"It's okey do what make you feel good "min seo said.
"It's okay guurl !" Yeo rin answered.
" of course you can " hana said.
" yah it's fine ,even that i get afraid of them but I want to erase this fear of my habitude .It will be great! " Soo-ah said.
"그래 (okay)" i response.
"안넝히가세요 (goodbye)" we said to min seo and hana.

Hana's pov:

I walked with min seo .It was night .
I was taking a deep breath ,seeing with smoke made me feeling good.
I know that i was rude to cry all of sudden but then do not know how i feel when i changed shcool for many times ,because at every school i was getting harassed , i wish i will not be in this school ! Because I'm sick of it ,I'm really sick ,yes i have my boyfriend, but i feels like he doesn't protect me ! i guess those nowdays he start to not care about me ,but he is really a nice guy and cute and sometimes jealous of me but why i have this feeling that this year won't be like others ,because he seems had enough of me X ( ,i wish it's just a misunderstood!

Oh my god i wish this year i won't be harassed ! My tears started to fall .
Min seo: are you okay?
Me: I will not lie this time .... I'm not really in the mood! .. Unni !
I'm not fine!...
She hugged me
"Problems don't takes long time ,I'm not saying it just like that but because it's a fact"she says

"Oh look there ,there is an ice cream store ,which ice cream you want?"
"Chocolate ice cream "
"Oh great ,wait here for few minutes"
I was waiting for her then i started to crying really hard. When i saw a guy a cutie guy, why  my heart is beatting fast ,he is walking in my direction !
What sould i do ! I really don't know what to do ! I need to stop this heart racing really fast !

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