Drarry loving-Chapter 5

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*Harry's dream* *Harry's POV*

"Ah, Draco you have nearly completed your mission. Just a little more and we have him right where we want him" a mysterious, cold voice planed. Harry couldn't see who was talking but they must have been scary or very powerful to scare Draco who stood nervously in front of a chair. Black robes, sheets or cloths placed messily on it. Wait did something just move in the pile of sheets? Harry ignored it and listened to what was happening. "Yes Lord" Draco struggled to say without his voice shaking.

"You don't seem happy, we are about to kill the boy who killed your father, the boy who stole my powers, the boy who stopped me... The boy who lived" the cold voice said, hatred exploding with every word that was said. "You haven't grown real feelings for him, have you?" The voice said like he might kill Draco if he confessed to loving Harry. "No! My Lord, I would never do such a thing to endanger our mission!" Draco sputtered quickly, sounding quite loyal but not fully. "I can sense lies in your words, Draco. Don't lie to me!" the voice said clearly angered about the lie. "I'm not lying, Lord" Draco tried for an assuring sound but got a nervous one instead.

"I'm not going to tolerate liars, Draco! AVADA KADAVRA!"

A flash of a bright green exploded from the pile black sheets while Draco screamed his last scream.


Harry gasped as he jolted upright. He reached for his glasses and put them on to find most of the boys in the dorm surrounding him. "What happened?" Harry asked. "You were shouting in your sleep, Harry" Neville informed Harry "What was I shouting?" Harry questioned "You were shouting 'No Draco, no! Draco! NO! DRACO! DRACO NO! DRACO!' all while you were crying. Can I ask what you were dreaming about?" Neville summed up the answer. "I don't want to talk about it" Harry said, ashamed that the boys in the dorm would probably know about him and Draco.

"Oh, we all know what you were dreaming of, Harry" one of the other boys said. Harry knew what he thought what had happened "Oh no it wasn't that that I can promise you it was not that" Harry assured them. Suddenly Harry's stomach growled loudly. All the boys broke out into laughter and Harry blushed a little "What? I'm hungry" Harry complained a little "Yeah, we can tell" Neville joked.

*Time skip*

Harry started to put food on his plate a started to dig in when Draco walked in the hall. All the boys that shared the dorm with Harry started calling out what he had shouted in his dream "No Draco, no! Draco! NO! DRACO NO! DRACO! Hahahahaha" They all laughed at this but Harry thought it was mean. He glanced at Draco who looked confused as ever to why they were saying that.

He looked at Harry and gestured to go outside. Harry said he forgot some books and that he'd be back soon. He ran out of the hall and hid around the corner until he saw Draco "Ppssssst" Harry grabbed Draco's attention and they ran to the Room of Requirement. Once they got there, inside was one black leather couch that stood in the middle of the room.

"I suppose we'll sit down" Draco said starting to walk to the couch. Harry thought he should tell Draco about his dream. "Hey Draco, I had a bad dream last night, and you were talking to some about a mission and then this guy killed you and-" Harry was cut of by Draco passionately kissing him. Instantly, Harry felt calm and happy. "It doesn't matter. It was just a dream" Draco said, stroking Harry's raven black hair.

Harry relaxed a little and laid his head on Draco's lap. Draco continued to stroke Harry's hair until he slowly drifted to sleep.

*Draco's POV*

Harry suddenly jolted upright, it scared Draco a little. "What was it? Bad dream?" Draco guessed "Nope, we're going to be late for class" Harry said struggle to get out of Draco's grip. Draco held Harry close and kissed him, calming him for a bit before Draco grabbed Harry's wrist and ran to their next class- potions with Snape.

"Harry, I'll go in first. It will look weird if we walk in together, okay?" Draco planned again "Yep" Harry agreed before Draco pushed through the doors and into the lesson. "Why are you late, mr. Malfoy?" Snape chilled "I forgot a book, sir" Draco said, making it sound convincing "Fine, don't let happen again or detention" Snape warned.

Suddenly, Harry burst threw the doors and took a seat, ignoring the fact Snape was glaring at him furiously. "Mr. Potter, where have you been?" Snape said with more anger in his voice now "Sorry, forgot my quill" Harry used an excuse "You could have borrowed one" Snape said, lifting an eyebrow and Harry and Draco. He might be suspecting something, Draco thought. How could he get out of this one?

"Stay behind after class, the both of you and Draco sit down" Snape said plainly before continuing to explain a potion. Draco just realised he was still standing, the only seat left was next to Harry, so he took it gladly. He could feel the strange stares from the whole class, Harry seemed to notice it too. They acted like they weren't enemies and that they had been friends for a long time, which made everyone wonder what was happening.

After an hour or so, the bell rang for the next subject, Draco and Harry were about to walk out when Snape yelled "Where do you think you two are going?" They both grunted as they turned on their heels to walk back to Snape. "What's up between you two? I thought you hated each other" Snape said "Well-" "Are you two together?" Snape cut off Harry. Draco and Harry both blushed "N-no! W-why would you th-think that?" Draco stuttered a response "Don't lie to me, Draco" Snape warned

"Fine, we're dating. Happy now?" Harry snapped. Snape looked quite surprised but not really, probably was the confession. "I thought there was something going on between you two" Snape said like he'd won a bet "Have you told anyone" Snape was like one of the Hufflepuff girls with the news. "No we aren't going to tell anyone until we're ready for people to know" Draco stated the obvious "Ah, okay. When do you think that will be?" Snape said like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Why do you care so much professor?" Harry questioned backed away slowly. Snape's expression darkened "Do you want me to tell everyone?" "No! Just, I don't want to talk about it with anyone but Draco" Harry said shyly. "Fine, you can go" Snape said dryly.

"But I still want to know" Snape shouted as if he were saying 'your lucky your not getting detention... With me' "Fine, I'll give it to you tomorrow morning at breakfast" Draco said, speed walking out of the room, Harry on his heels.

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