Chapter 36: The Second Old Master's State of Mind

Start from the beginning

Hearing that Liu Ya was fully received by Shi Fengju, Second Mistress secretly felt lucky, but she displayed a face of sympathy in front of her husband, "If only I had known, I would have talked to my nephew's wife earlier! To think that Jing Yi was of no use and was not able to be count on for something so small!"

Second old master did not like Liu Ya all that much. As for her appearance, whether she was tall, short, plump, or skinny, all those he did not know. But what he did know was that the lass was able to make Xiao Bai listen to her obediently! That was the only thing he fancied about her.

In any case, Xiao Bai truly was clever to even know how to use its own beak to unlock the cage door and escape. Second old master thought it would never return and thus felt distressed! But who would have thought that the lass had such an affinity with that bird, for it to fly all the way into her hands?

If that lass belonged to the household, having her transferred into his domain would have been enough, regardless whether he accepted her as his concubine or not. However, that lass was a personal servant of his nephew's wife!

The household lacks no servants, as such, he would always have a reasonable excuse to have the servant transferred over to his domain; and his best excuse was because he fancied her. If he were to say so, his nephew's wife would definitely not be able to refuse.

But the unexpected had happened when Shi Fengju accepted his wife's personal servant on the previous night!

Even though the second old master felt that it was a little regrettable, he dismissed the matter before letting out a deep sigh and scolded Second Mistress with one to two sentences for not completing the task successfully but did not pursue the matter any further.

Second Mistress listened earnestly and apologized deeply, but she secretly rolled her eyes and scolded in her heart, "Just who was it that was useless? To even dare to reach your hand out for a maidservant of your nephew's wife, aren't you afraid what people might think of you!"

At a side, Concubine Shui was not happy. For many years, Concubine Shui had fought against Concubine Fang and was obvious in recent years that she was at a losing end. What came to her mind was to join forces with the new concubine and trample over Concubine Fang. However, because of the recent event that resulted in Second old master not being able to obtain Liu Ya as his concubine, her idea was all for naught.

Feeling frustrated, she deliberately went to find trouble and complained to Second Mistress, "Don't you smell the smelly smell from a far? Mistress, just think about it: the young master chose such a day to receive that lass, Liu Ya. Doesn't that make it clear that he is going against our old master and not wishing for Mistress to request for that lass?"

Second Mistress was not foolish, and of course had already had that thought before. However, she was fine with how things were. Or even, she was happier as to how things turned out. As such, Concubine Shui's words sounded extremely ear-piercing. Glaring angrily at the concubine, she reprimanded, "Keep your mouth shut! Do not make matters worse! Liu Ya is Ma'am's maidservant; when she wants to give her maidservant to the young master has got nothing to do with you! What did you say, about going against the old master? And about not wishing for me to open my mouth? Even Second Ma'am didn't raise this topic, then who was it that went about blabbering it?"

Having said that, Second Mistress stared at Concubine Shui suspiciously.

"I did not! Concubine absolutely didn't speak of it!" Concubine Shui panicked and quickly waved her hands.

If it was because word got out that resulted in Ma'am to put her guard up and disrupted the old master's plan, then he would definitely pursue the matter until the end and place all the blame onto his wife's head.

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