Soft - Seo Changbin

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For as long as you remember, you were always told to keep away from Changbin. Everyone warned you at age 7, and even now. But you always shook your head, telling them that their words were lies. Changbin was nice.

Sure, he would pull on girls' hair and take their Oreos, but it was different with you. He took your Kool-Aid and started sipping on it, but once he saw the tears starting to build up in your eyes he felt the need to give it back.

"Y/N don't cry! I'm sorry! Here, take it." You sniffled and hesitantly took back your Kool-Aid. "I'm really sorry." Changbin, being a little kid too, started to cry at your crying. Soon, you were both crying over a bottle of Kool-Aid. The adults just watched, confused and slightly amused. Changbin would only cry if he was wronged, not if he wronged someone else.

That's how his softness for you blossomed. Even as a tiny boy, he had this feeling that he had to treat you nicely. He took other kids' snacks and gave them to you, smiling at you with his 3 missing teeth. You'd point to his victim, in tears, but he would just shrug. He only gave it back when you told him you didn't want it.

His ways transitioned into middle school, and then high school. But Changbin was still Changbin. Nice to you, cold to others. "Y/N, it's cold. Why don't you have a jacket? Have mine." He starts taking off his jacket but you stop him. "I'm fine, really." He gives you a small frown but trusts your words. "Where are we going anyway?" Changbin gives you a cute grin. "You don't remember?"

You shake your head.

"We're volunteering at the kindergarten." You let out an "oh" of realization. Then you chuckle to yourself. This was the Seo Changbin that freshman cowered under. The same guy who was deemed a 'bad boy' was going to help take care of 5-year-olds.

When you got there, the teacher glanced twice at Changbin with a surprised look on her face. He looked intimidating but you knew he was going to be great with the little kids.

"Okay class, meet our volunteers: Y/N and Changbin. Everyone say hi." They all say hi, big toothy grins on their faces.

There wasn't much to do, the teacher just asked you both to help them with coloring or counting. By the time lunch time rolls around, everyone is already best friends with Changbin. They all love him and love clinging onto his arms.

"Changbin, can you pretty please open my juice?" A little girl asks, extending her hands and handing him her juice bottle. He does what's asked of him but when she takes back the bottle, she drops it.

A few whimpers later, she's crying loudly, tears rolling down her chubby cheeks. "No no don't cry! It's okay, we can get you another one." Changbin comforts her as you clean up the mess, smiling to yourself.

"Here, take this." He hands her a new juice bottle, smiling when she gladly takes it. "Thank you!" The little girl grabs his face and pecks his cheek. You can see Changbin soften up even more.

When you two had to leave, the class started whining. They crowded you both, clinging onto your legs and begging you not to go. "We'll see you again, don't worry." You pat a boy's head. "Please come back soon!"

The walk back home was peaceful. You held onto Changbin's arm and smiled. "The little girl who spilled her juice reminded me of us when we were 7. Do you remember that?"

Changbin laughs, nodding. "You were going to cry so I gave your kool-aid back, then we were both crying."

You both laugh at the memory. "I like you when you're nice, why aren't you like that all the time? You're always making people think you're someone you're not." He shrugs. "If you're cold, people don't take advantage of you. It also drives away the annoying people." "But you're friends with Jisung." In the back of your head you can hear the squirrel looking boy yelling at you. "At least you're nice to me." You squeeze his arm and smile up at him. "It's only charity work, I secretly hate you."

You slap him playfully. Changbin chuckles and you're smiling once more. You loved seeing his soft side.

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