Morning Sass

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"Brooke, Sam! It's time to get ready for school!" Sylvie was currently in the kitchen packing both the kids lunch boxes for the day ahead of them. The kids were able to start going back to school about a week ago, as the school allowed them to take some time off. This was mainly due to the fact that they knew the kids just went through a traumatic scent not long ago. Slowly the kids were getting used to having a new schedule compared to when they were living with their parents. Both of them took a liking to living with Kelly and Sylvie and the couple enjoyed having them around.

Over the past week, the temporary family of four visited their still comatose family member each moment they were able to. Dr. Halstead informed them during their last visit that no progress was being found with Amelia, which was a harsh reality for Sylvie to go through. How was she going to tell the kids? How would she handle seeing her parents again, but for their first visit to Chicago in 2 years to be for her sisters funeral? How could she handle herself?

Suddenly, she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard two pairs of footsteps thundering down the stairs. She rushed to put the final touches to the kids lunches in their bags before they decided to argue about who had what in theirs.

"Well good morning you two!" She laughed a little when she saw both kids struggling to keep their eyes open as they sat down at the dining room table. Both looked as if they were going to fall asleep right in their bowl of cereal.

"Hey Aunt Sylvie, do we reaaaaally have to go to school today? We aren't doing anything fun anyways". Sam tried to plead to his aunt hoping that he would be able to convince her somehow.

She chuckled a bit at that statement. Having the kids around was a breath of fresh air. Plus having Y around to help her was even better. She was happy to have practice raising kids together with him. One day she was hoping that her and Kelly could have their own family, if that's what he wanted too.

"You know, as much as I would loooove to have you both stay here with me, you have to go. Work and school are both calling our names today". She took her bowl of cereal over to the table to join them for breakfast.

"Well, can you tell them a different name so we don't have to go?" This kid is too smart for his own good thought Sylvie.

"Sorry kiddo, Kelly and I both have to continue saving lives and you two have to go learn somethings". Behind her she hears floorboards creaking and turned to see Kelly walking into the kitchen.

"Morning everyone". Kelly tried to stifle a yawn after his statement but failed to do so.

"See Aunt Sylvie! Kelly is tired and shouldn't go to work!" Sam quipped while pointing at the sleepy man in the kitchen.

"Woah I have no idea what I just walked into now". Kelly put his hands up jokingly in surrender at the interaction that was overusing in front of him.

"Aunt Sylvie won't let us stay home today". Brooke decided to add onto the discussion after a while. She was half asleep and only half listening to the conversation. But wanted to add her voice.

"Well, I would have to agree with her. School is very important and her and I both have work to go to today". Kelly was trying to collect his belongings for the work day ahead of him while trying to convince the kiddos.

"Okay.... I guess since you are telling us to go, we suffer through another day". Brooke sighed and rested her head on her hand. She drank the leftover milk from her cereal bowl and rushed to get her backpack from her room.

"I think you have slowly became her favorite person recently". Sylvie got up and walked over to Kelly. By this time both kids were rushing to grab last minute stuff to bring to school. She looked up at him and placed a small chaste kiss on his lips.

"What can I say, kids love me". He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist, slowly bringing her closer to his body.

"It's okay, I'll try not to be too jealous that another girl likes you". She smiled up at him and watched how his eyes contained love. Nothing but love for her, and even after a year, she's still trying to get used to this feeling. The last relationship she had been in, involved her getting cold feet before the wedding. But now, she's here with a man she loves and two kids she adores. They may not be hers, but she loves them.

"Don't you worry, you're my girl" He smiles sweetly at her.

"I better be, otherwise I may have to resort to asking Voight to help me, let's say take care of some business...." She smiled deviously at him and turned away to go grab her work bag.

"You wouldn't" He watched her walk away from him towards their room.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't... we may never know. And let's never find out". She winked and continued to grab her things.

"That's my girl" He quietly said this as he was the only one left in the kitchen. Smiling he turned to the fridge to make a quick breakfast.

*At the firehouse*

As both of them drove together, Kelly chose to walk in first to not draw any suspicions to them. They still haven't decided when to tell the rest of the firehouse, but some days they think that they could just reveal it do get rid of that stress. But, there is so much happening in their lives that it's not something they are focused on.

Just as Sylvie was about to leave her car, her phone started to ring. As it was about 8am, she was confused as to why it was ringing because everyone she talks to is inside of the building in front of her.

When she looked at the caller ID, her heart started racing. She had mixed emotions about whether or not this call was going to go the way she wanted it to.

She waited, and stared at the phone. Finally she decided to pick it up realizing she needed to hear what was to be said to her on the other side.

"Hello?" She was very timid and shaky as she said this.

"Is this Sylvie Brett?" The voice on the other side questioned her.

"Yes it is" As a habit, she started chewing on her lip to show she was nervous.

"We need to talk" The voice did not stray away from the seriousness it held.

Once she listened to the person speak, she knew her life would be changed.

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