Can anybody hear me?!

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*Inside the apartment*
Severide finally started to come awake. He groaned once he tried moving his head. His hand went up to his head to find a gash on his head and winced once he touched it. The room was still smoky and the remains of the ceiling were all around him. He reached for his radio to call for help but realized that it was crushed during the blast.
"Help!! Capp! Casey! Anybody can you hear me?!" Severide was yelling as much as his body would allow. On top of him was a pile of ceiling that he couldn't get off of him. His strength was failing him along with consciousness. He kept trying to stay awake in case someone came. But he soon lost that battle. The last thing he heard was someone calling out his name, but he wasn't able to respond.
"We promise to be there for each other.... Always."
Memories of Shay started to run through his mind while he slipped deeper into unconsciousness.

*Rescue Team*
"This is where we split up. I went left and Severide went right." Capp filled in the rest of the crew in what happened.
     "Alright split up and look in each room. Radio if you find anything." Casey told the men and they all went in different directions. Within minutes something was heard over the radio.
     "Hey I found him! We are in the last door on the left! Hurry I don't know how much longer he has!" Herrmann called through the radio. The other firefighters raced down the hallway.
      "Hey Severide wake up!" Nothing happened. Herrmann slapped him lightly multiple times hoping it would work. Nothing. His pulse was weak but was still there. Casey and the others finally arrived and they all worked together to get the rumble off of him.
     "Hey chief we got him. He's in pretty bad shape. Make sure Dawson and Brett are ready to get him and go." Casey spoke to Boden but never lost sight of Severide worried that it might be the last time he sees his best friend.
     "Alright Casey, just make sure everyone else gets out safely." Casey heard Boden say and assured them they would.
     Once the rumble was off of him they all carried him carefully. They didn't risk having Dawson and Brett coming in with the condition the building was in. They couldn't lose other paramedic. Or another family member.
      The other members outside were not expecting to see their lieutenant in this condition. Motionless. Silent. Brett and Dawson both quickly went to work having the firefighters set him on the gurney.
     "Starting intubation now." Brett quickly told Dawson. Dawson quickly took other vitals and tried attending to other visible wounds on his body. The firefighters of house 51 watched helplessly.
     "Alright I'm done! Let's move!" Brett said as Gabby went with Severide in the back of the ambo and Brett drove. Brett silently hoped on the way to the hospital he would be okay.

A/N: I will be on vacation for a week tomorrow so I can't promise another chapter but I will make an effort to when I have the chance!

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