Chapter 10: Intimate Interactions

Start from the beginning

Karlie melted against the table, a pool of desire settled low in her stomach. "Taylor, we have a reservation to get to." Her protests were weak and Taylor knew it.

"For 6. We could have plenty of time."

Plenty of time to be interrupted, yes.

The apartment door opened and voices filled the room. Taylor released Karlie from the table and watched as Kendall and Cara carried grocery bags inside.

"Twice in one night. I can't wait to see how many times it will happen before we actually have sex," Taylor muttered dryly. She pecked Karlie on a flushed cheek and took her hand. "Nice to see the two of you are getting along," Taylor nodded to the other two women. She met Kendall's gaze, "Not like I didn't already know that you were, considering the loud sex I was forced to listen to last night."

Cara rolled her eyes, "Tay, I had to listen to it from you for months with Calvin, so don't even go there."

Taylor flushed, remembering how it had been in their honeymoon stage.

Before she could create a retort to that, Cara piped up again, "Actually, it was more him considering how fast of a lay he was."

Karlie snorted and tried to hide her smile. Taylor caught her before it disappeared though. "Yeah, he wasn't any good. Most of the noises were fake so just be happy that you didn't have to listen to your best friend come for hours." Taylor raised an eyebrow at Kendall who smirked proudly. "I want earplugs on my door next time."

Taylor tugged Karlie out of the apartment before Cara could get another quip about her crappy sex life with Calvin, but the topic didn't get pushed away.

Karlie cleared her throat as they walked out of the building and down the street towards the restaurant. "So, Calvin?" she asked. Taylor had never mentioned him before.

Taylor sighed. "Yeah. Calvin. We were together for almost a year. I really liked him..."

"Until you realized how bad at sex he was?"

Taylor let out a huff of laughter, "No, more like until I realized how many other girls he was having bad sex with."

"Oh. Taylor, I'm so sorry," Karlie's brow furrowed. Taylor didn't deserve anything but the best. "He's an idiot to have done that to you."

Taylor shrugged, her shoulder bumped against Karlie. "It's in the past. I'm over him. But he was one of the only somewhat serious relationships I had, so it hurt but he wasn't worth it."

Karlie squeezed Taylor's hand reassuringly. Taylor squeezed back. They continued to walk to the restaurant in comfortable silence. It wasn't more than five minutes before they reached the door and Taylor pulled the brass handle open and ushered Karlie inside.

The restaurant was filled with all kinds of different smells. Freshly baked Italian bread and hearty tomato sauce, mixed with sweet, sugary pastries. Karlie had never been in here before but walking past it on the street always caused her stomach to grumble. "It smells so good in here," she said.

Taylor nodded, "It looks nice in here, too. The walls are a burgundy colour, with a dark ceiling. The chairs are covered in black leather, placed around mahogany tables. Candles are in the center of every table, with two roses in a vase. They went into a lot of trouble to make this place a romantic setting." Taylor glanced over to Karlie who bit her bottom lip.

"Do you like it?" she asked shyly. "Kendall told me it was a good place to have a romantic date and she's not one for wooing but I wanted to do something special for you and it's difficult for me to do an entire set up alone so I thought it might be a better idea to-"

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