Chapter Two: Surprised!

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            When we get inside the mall, Percy decides we should split up: The boys go to the suit shop; girls to the dress shop. "Why? Shouldn't we go together so we can help each other choose?" I ask him, surprised. "Erm... I don't think boys can go into the girl shop..." I shut Percy up with a kiss. "Seaweed Brain, as long as you're not going into the changing rooms, you're fine." I say. We all decide to go to the dress shop first. Percy and Jason help us pick out our dresses, and so Piper and I carry them into the changing room. "What's up with Percy, Annabeth? He was acting really weird.""I have no idea" i reply. We change into our dresses and go out to show the boys. They vote on one, and we change back into our normal clothes, buy the dresses, and head to the suit shop. My dress is dark blue (obviously) with silver flowers that goes down to my knees. Piper's is a shimmery white, prom style dress. When we get to the suit shop, we find a dark blue suit for Percy, and a white one for Jason. Then, we quickly go to the flower shop, and I pick out roses for our outfits, but Percy says that me and him need blue flowers, since our outfits are blue. I laugh, admiring his sense of humor, and so we buy light blue flowers, while Piper and Jason get roses. Then we walk out the door, and Percy's face looks like he remembered something and he said, "I gotta go to the bathroom." and runs off. Piper looks at me confused, and i shrug back. Finally, he runs back, hands in hi pockets, smiling. "All good" he says. We walk back to our apartments. Since there were no clocks at the mall, i had no track of time. We shopped ALL DAY! We headed to our apartments, excited for the day to come. I just walked right through the door, right to our room, and fell onto the bed, fast asleep. The next morning, a voice said, "Wake up, Wise Girl. It's graduation day." I opened my eyes to see Percy, his black hair as mess as ever, in his pj's, smiling.  I walked to the bathroom, fixed up my hair so i didn't look like a hobo, then walked into the kitchen, opened the freezer, grabbed some toaster waffles, closed the door, and turned around to see breakfast already ready and set on the counter: Chocolate Chip pancakes with sausage. We gobbled it down and rushed to the closet to grab our outfits. The graduation celebration started in 2 hours! We rushed to shower and get our clothes on. Then I helped him do his hair, because he doesn't really use gel in his hair. Then I did my hair in a nice bun (for once) and we got our outfits on. "Annabeth, can we come in?" Piper asked through the door. "Yeah guys, come in." I reply. I open the door, and they come in. Piper helps me with my makeup (because if I put it on by myself, it would look like a 3-year-old did it) and she helped me touch up my bun. When I looked in the mirror, I gasped. I looked awesome. We walked over to the boys, and Percy gasped, his eyes wide. "Wise Girl, you look AWESOME." he said. I blush and reply, "Thanks, Seaweed Brain, you too." We all walk out, and when people look out they're door, they gasp, and we smile and blush. Piper and Jason go off to wait and save us a spot in our V.I.H (Very Important Hero) line. Percy and I walk over to Frank and Hazel's room and knock on the door. They answer and let us in. Frank and Percy give each other knowing glances, like talking with their eyes. Did I mention I hate it when they do that? Hazel pipes up, "Hey Annabeth! Oh, wow, you look great!" "Thanks, Piper helped with the makeup." I reply. She is wearing a short black dress with jewels on the skirt, and a rose on the pocket. Frank has a black suit with a rose too. We all head to the V.I.H line and meet Piper and Jason there. We are the only ones there beside Nico and Reyna, both wearing purple. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Nico and Reyna are dating? Well they are. It turns out Aphrodite/Venus's words were a prank. I bet you she was like, "OMG, she actually believed me! HAH! That's hilarious!" Soon, a man came out and let us in. We were ushered behind curtains. Soon a voice yelled, "Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome, REYNA AVILA RAMIREZ-ARELLANO and NICO DI'ANGELO!!!" We heard cheers. "Now, here are your next heroes, FRANK ZHANG and HAZEL LEVESQUE!!!" More cheers. "Now, here are JASON GRACE and PIPER MCLEAN!!!" Even more cheers. "Now, Please welcome, your heroes from the Giant War AND the Titan War, winning both at age 16! Please welcome, PERCY JACKSON AND ANNABETH CHASE!!!!!!!!!!" We walked out from behind the curtains and smiled. "Gods, the crowd cheered so loud, I think I just went deaf." I thought.  We talked with some people, and even handed out autographs to some little kids who were there for their siblings. One little boy came up to me and said, " Did you ACTUALLY  get stabbed in the shoulder with a dagger covered in poison?" "Yeah, I did. It was really painful." I replied, wincing and tracing the scar on my shoulder where the wound was. "That's AWESOME!!!!" the boy said, running back to his parents. Soon, it was time to hand out awards and scrolls. It was in alphabetical order, so it went Reyna, Me, Nico, Jason, Percy, Hazel, Piper, and then Frank. After awards, it was party time. I had planned it along with Piper, because, well, Piper can have a sense of style when it comes to parties now. All of the sudden, Percy came over and pulled me aside. "Can i tell you something, er... in private?" he asked. I had a feeling this was about what happened at the mall, and I was dying to know. "Ok." i replied as we walked into the school hallway, which was absolutely empty. "So what was it you wanted to tell me?" i asked him. "This." he said, kneeling down on one knee. "Oh.My.Gods." I thought.  Was he seriously going to propose to me? Well, he was 21, I was 20, and my birthday is tomorrow, so i guess we were good. And we were graduated from college now, so it wouldn't get in the way. Oh Gods, my mom. She would be really mad. All these thoughts were racing through my head, I could feel my face turning red, and he hadn't even said it yet. I calmed down a bit, and waited. He reached in his pocket and grabbed a case, and opened it, revealing a ring with silver and a sapphire shaped like a turtle."Annabeth, will you-" "YES" i said, turning even redder and resisting the urge not to scream and bounce off the walls like a maniac. We kissed, and i felt my heart melting, and  I realized that this was what it felt like to be a mortal. No problems, no monsters jumping out at you at every turn, and we've been here at Camp Jupiter where life is like this for about 4 years, and i just noticed this. We headed back into the party and didn't tell anyone. 

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