Chapter 4: The Special Day

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  "Beep! Beep! Beep!" Annabeth's alarm blared and she jolted up and looked at the time: 9:00 a.m. The wedding was at 12! She squealed like a little girl  and jumped out of bed. Percy was still sleeping, so she tiptoed past his room and scurried to the kitchen. She grabbed the pancake mix, chocolate chips, and blue food coloring out of the pantry and made blue chocolate chip pancakes. The chocolate chips made a heart in the center of each pancake, since it was the wedding day. By the time she finished making the pancakes, (Which took a long time because she didn't know how to cook that much.) Percy walked in, with his bedhead as always. "Good Morning, Seaweed Brain!" she said, her smile wide. "Good Morning Wise Girl. Are you ready for today?" he replied."YES" she said. Once they finished their breakfast, they drove over to Camp Half-Blood and helped set up for the after-party. Then, they changed into their outfits and walked over to the hill and waited for guests to arrive. At about 11:30, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Reyna, and Nico arrived. About 10 minutes later, She saw something that surprised her: Leo and Calypso, holding a baby in her arms. "Woah dude, I didn't know you guys had a kid." said Percy. "Congrats guys!" I said, glaring at Percy, Be polite!  Right behind them came Percy's mom, his stepdad, his little sister Estelle, his dad Poseidon, My dad and stepmom, and my Mom. We hired the Ira Jones Middle School Band's 6th graders to play chorale for our wedding, and other songs for the party and we let them in, even though they were mortal. As they came in, I saw a girl holding drumsticks wearing a beautiful skirt with a white t-shirt. She looked around Camp, eyes wide and a big smile on her face, jumping up and down. Then, she looked at me, and she froze. She slowly walked over to me, and I kinda got creaped out, thinking she was a monster, but then she spoke up. "Hi, my name is Sofia, and I'm a big fan. Um, do you guys even know that there are books about you?" I blushed red, "Um, no I didn't..." "Well, it's ok. I just wanted you to know that i've always wanted to meet you, and, um, I like to pretend to be you..." I smiled saying, "Thanks" Percy pouted and she said, " No offense to Percy." Then she whispered in my ear, "I have proof that you're wiser than him: In science, we played this study game, and I made my nickname Wise girl, and I got 4th place, then used the name Seaweed brain and got 16th." I giggled. She ran off to rejoin her group. I saw her stand by a xylophone and waved to me. I waved back, then we took our places. The music started, and i wanted to cry, it was so beautiful, but if I cried, that would ruin my makeup. I walked forward and soon I was at the front. The music stopped, and we said our vows. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." We kissed, and everyone cheered. I turned and saw Sofia smiling big and clapping. We all walked over to the party area and the band set up. Their first song was "Don't Stop Believin'" and Sofia was at suspended cymbal and snare drum. She started first: 

Then they played "You Raise Me Up". It was so beautiful. She played the xylophone in that one.

Then they played Cango Caves, where she was xylophone again:

Then Finally, Aztec Sunrise, where she played tambourine:

Then we just played normal music, like P!nk, Katy Perry, Ava Max, etc. She came over and said, "How did I do?" "You did awesomly. I am glad I chose you guys to play the music." I said. She blushed. "Thanks. I was nervous. Our concert is in about a week, in Plainfield, Illinois. Wanna come see it?" "Sure, I'll make sure we come"I reply. We open the gifts. After that, my Mom pulled me aside and said, "Annabeth, my gift to you is this: you can have 'Brain Children'. I don't want to see my daughter in pain." "Thanks mom" I say. After that, we stay the night here. Percy takes his shirt off as he walks toward me, and I realize what he is thinking. "No need." i say. At first, he is confused, but then he understands. We head to bed, and all I know is that I can't wait to see Sofia's concert! :)

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