Chapter 7

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Serena's P.O.V

There was no point in going to Caleb's house. I was mad that he didn't tell me that Roman was there. Caleb knew I didn't want to be around Roman!!

Jordyn was falling asleep as I patted her back. Then someone knocked on my door. It's probably who I think it is so I'm not going to answer it

After a few more knocks, my phone rang. It was Caleb. I sighed before answering

Hello I dryly said

Are u mad at me

No. I know u meant well

I really did. So, u and Roman kissed....

He kissed me! I justified

But u looked like u liked it

I rolled my eyes, but stayed silent

Are u there

Yea...... I'm gonna go.....

No! Wait! When do you want to go on a date?

I don't know. I have a daughter

Roman's the father.....why not let him watch Jordyn.....

I guess........

Cool. So, do u wanna go out tonight


Alright. I'll see you at 7pm

Alright. Talk to you later


I hung up

It was only 4pm. I put Jordyn in her crib and I laid back in my bed


Caleb took me to a nice restaurant. He's been charming so far

Caleb's P.O.V

I think this night has been going good already. I had Roman on the phone the whole time so if Serena wanted me, Roman would've known I was telling the truth. My phone was in the pocket

"I'm glad you still wanted to date me"

Serena blushed

I grabbed her hand from against the table

"So..... I just gotta wonder.....are u like u used to be"

"Like what" I laughed

"Looking at other girls, flirting in front of me and having mixed emotions.....I went through mixed emotions enough with Roman" Serena sighed

"No. I'm not like that anymore"

"Are u sure...... "

"Yea" I moved a strand of hair out of her face "I think I'm in love with you...."

"Same...... 5 years ago"

"You don't feel the same anymore"

"I had to get over the fact that we wouldn't end up together"

"Now we are..... " I smiled. So did Serena

"I guess"

"Well...... Who would you rather be with....."

Serena was about to answer but her phone vibrated. She looked at her phone for a minute and put it back down

"So... " I started

"What" Serena asked, looking at me

"Are u OK.... "

"Yea" Serena slowly nodded

"Do u wanna go...."

"Yea.... " Serena quickly answered

We paid the bill and left


I know its short, I'll update soon. I promise






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