Chapter 0.4

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Chapter 0.4

Dear Ellis,

You're my last letter and I'm going to let you in on the secret, you can tell the others if you wish. Now you must be wondering who the hell I am, am I correct? Well I'm Amelia. Anyway back to this letter. You used to know Noah. You guys went to the same school, he hated you, he bullied you physically. This is why you're last, you were one of his worst victims.

So I'm writing this letter because Noah is dead and can't do this himself, so I'm doing it for him. He wad planning on sending letters to everyone to say sorry, but now it's up to me, and so far it's turning out alright.

If just like to say he's sorry, he is, even if its coming from me, but you gave to understand that a dead person simply cannot apologise when he's not in existence. But I'm telling the truth her, he's told me he wanted to say sorry to all you guys, why do you think I'm doing this did him? I knew it was something important to him. I hope he's proud of me. Oh, yeah, one other thing. I'm his girlfriend, or I was.

So yeah, Noah is dead and he's sorry he hurt you, your the one he regretted doing the most. God I hope you're living a happy life with a lovely girlfriend or wife, maybe a little baby. Apologies if you don't.

Now you must be wondering what the secret is, well that dear Ellis is how Noah died. It's not something I enjoy ranking about. It hurts too much, but it's the least you deserve.

Okay so I was just at our house, listening to music a little too loudly. Noah had gone out with his friends to the pub. I trusted him to behave. So he'd been there a little over two hours at this time and over my loud music I heard something hit my door, so I've gone to check it out. God, this is an image that I'll never forget. It was one of his friends, Tony, he had Noah in his arms. At the time he wasn't dead, but in a bad shape. So I had let Tony in, obviously frantic with worry and wondering what had happened to Noah. So Tony had gone on Ono tell me how they had been all walking back to my place, doing the right thing when a car had come swerving into the footpath they were all walking on. Tony got out of the way, but the others, Jason and Fred, they both died that night while Noah was just seriously. So through my tears I asked him why he hadn't called the ambulance, and Ellis, he just ran out of my house, just leaving Noah there.

I ended up ringing the ambulance myself and by the time they turned up, Noah, he was dead. They ended up asking everything that happened and why the ambulance hadn't been called earlier. They then called the police. Ellis, god, it turned out that Tony murdered them all. He murdered them and Noah just wanted to see me before he died. He didn't care about anything else, just seeing me one last time. So Tony just left him there, knowing it was too late to save him. (This all came from Tony's statement to the police by the way)

So yeah, there it is. Dramatic, I know. So yeah, he's so so sorry Ellis, for everything he's done to you be I hope you have a good life. You deserve it.

From Amelia Wills.

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