"You're so silly." I said to him if he could even hear me. I guess he did because he nodded his head. I made the right choice being back with him. I felt a connection while being with him

"You mine" is what he mouthed to me through the glass

"I guess I am." I said to him. But, then he swam away. I couldn't find him anywhere on the outside and I don't know how to get out of his room so, I got nervous.

"I'm guessing you like my room, huh?" I heard say behind me. I turned around and it was Isaac

"Yeah, I-I really do." I said stuttering, but I didn't mean to. He scoffed and walked to me slowly. I got scared and backed up until he made trip and land on the bed. He got on top of me and he gave me a very serious look

"Since when did we start stuttering?" He asked looking straight at me

"I didn't mean to. I-I-It happens sometimes. I can't controoooooolll it. Why are you fingering myyyyeeeee?" I couldn't get my words out clearly

"What the fuck was that?" He asked me

"You're fingering me. So, my speech gets fucked up because of you." I said to him

"Well, I'm about to yo speeches really fucked up after I beat you with dick." He said before pushing a button that closes the view from the outside.

"Oh my god." I said getting nervous

"Yeah, oh my god. Come here and stop tripping." He grabbed my leg and pulled me toward him

(Y'all forgive me for this)

Miguel's POV

"DEVIN, what am I gonna wear?" I asked him while looking in my closet for something to wear for my little cousin's birthday party.

"I don't know, but whatever you wear, you'll look good in my eyes." He said walking behind me and kissing me.

"Devin, you can't be doing that. Dad is downstairs. Besides, we're brothers. We can't be doing stuff like that." I said to him

"That's not what you was saying last night when I made you cream on my bed. And, you had an orgasm." He said and I covered my face in embarrassment while remembering last night

"That was last night. You gotta understand that, Dev." I said to him

"Should I remake last night? Because it seems that you too good for my dick." He picked me up and put me on my bed.

"Wait, no no no I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying." I said trying not to get another remake from last night because he almost broke his bed and I'm not tryna have mine snapped

"Mhmm, that's what I thought. Listen, have fun, bring back some cake and candy. If you don't come home with the stickie, you will not lickie the dickie. Understood?" He asked and I nodded. He let me go and I finally found an outfit to wear. I finished and then I left.

A few minutes later and I got to the location of the party. Devin didn't want to go because he couldn't handle little kids, or I think it was because he was too lazy and didn't feel like going anywhere, and I respect that.

I didn't even get the chance to ring the doorbell, when the door flew open and I was taken in by a hug.

"Cousin Miguel! So good to see you again. Come in, why are you still out here? Party outback." My cousin Tío said talking fast and taking me to the kitchen

"So, where you been man? You too rich to come visit family anymore, huh?" He asked getting me and him sodas while everyone else was outside

"You know how my dad is. He doesn't want me talking to you guys cause remember last time?" I said to him. He handed me the drink and I opened it

"So, what? Forgive and forget. Tu padre vendrá." (Spanish for "your father will come around")

"I know but, my father is stubborn. He'll hold a grudge until the day he dies." I said

"De todas formas(Anyway), how's the family?" He asked me

"My mom is still gone. Daveon is still the same ol' Daveon. You already know how my dad is." I said laughing

"Yeah. The family is doing ok. Abuelo and abuela still argue, but they make up in the end. Ríco misses you." Tío said to me

"He does?" I asked

"Yes, Ríco misses you." Ríco said behind me (Ríco is the guy at the top)

I turned around and the most sexiest Hispanic I've ever met was standing behind me without a shirt.

"What up, cousin?" Ríco asked me. He came and hugged me

"The usual. School life. Tío, how's the par-- Tío?" He vanished

"I guess it's just me and you." He picked me up and carried me upstairs and to his room. He laid me down on the bed and closed his door

"Ríco. Rickyyy. Come on, I don't think we should do this." I said getting nervous

"I just wanna talk to you and why you haven't come to visit anyone. Especially me." He said walking to me

"I've been busy. And, dad wouldn't let me come over after the incident." I said to him

"What about your personal life?" He asked

"Still single. Been talking to this guy and I think we might become something more." I said smiling

"Who is he? What does he look like?" He asked

"Ok, chill with the questions. And, why do you sound jealous?" I asked him. He started blushing

"Ooo, u jealous." I said laughing

"I'm not. You're jealous." He said getting defensive

"What do I have to be jealous of?" I asked

After that, we started talking about our lives since we've been gone. I think I'm starting to catch feelings for him


Hey guys, what's up?

Sorry I've been gone for so long. School got in the way and I'm getting ready for testing in the next 3 weeks. Two chapters are coming out this week because I owed you guys a chapter last week

So, if you liked the story so far please comment, vote and subscribe to my Wattpad channel because I make chapters every Saturday💙🍭🎂🇦🇹😁

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