chapter 1 : The Dream

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Okay guys just a warning this is gravity falls so it may get creepy and this will kind of be pinecest but not really if you know what i mean.. if you read and comment ill give you a olaf!!!!!

Dipper woke up slowly from a long sleep, though he could barely sleep anymore. Things were changing in the town of gravity falls. The mysteries they use to face were now “Childish” compared too what had recently happened. Dipper even now new the last face he was going to make before his death. He sighed, what if Bill came back to hurt or kill his sister. He looked at Mabel a small blush appearing on his face, he couldn’t help it. He had some feelings for his little sister weather he would admit it or not. He would do anything for the girl. He quickly went over to Mabel as he looked at her bruised face. The bruises and scrapes were from trying to save his book from Bill. Poor dipper had to watch his sister get beaten up, but at least she had won. He quickly and softly kissed the girls cheek; “ Morning Mabel” he whispered. He knew she wouldn’t wake up; this girl would sleep through anything. He sighed as he sat on his bed opening up his journal.


He suddenly heard a scream from the opposite side of the room. He dropped his book as he looked at his twin sister.


Mabel had sat up straight, tears were in her eyes. She had a terrified expression planted on her face, “ I-I saw B-I-ll” she stuttered.


Dipper could tell his sister was terrified and he couldn’t tell her it was just a dream either. First off Bill was a dream demon… He could get into anyone’s mind. Second that wouldn’t exactly help, she knows too much and she wouldn’t go back to bed if her life depended on it. There is this thing about Mabel that the pines family hates to talk about. It’s that she has a brain disorder. She can’t concentrate on one thing for two long. Also when she’s in school she can’t grasp onto anything the teachers saying, so Dipper kind of became her tooter. Dipper always felt bad for Mabel but even with her disorder she always tended to fit in. Dipper on the other hand always was considered the nerd. That was probably because every year he was smarter than the other kids. Which wasn’t his fault.


He sighed as he went over to her putting one arm around her, he got a warm feeling inside. Mabel leaned her head on her brothers shoulders. Dipper then whispered, “ Its okay Mabel Bills not here, I’m here with you… we will be okay”

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