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-Thomas pov-


I open my eye's and see Minho getting pulled out of the helicopter. I sit up and see that it's dark outside, and sand is everywhere.

One of the men grab my arm, and they drag me out. "Go go go!" A man yells at us.

I run with the man dragging me, and I hear gun shots. I duck my head down and look behind me. Some dark figures are getting shot at, but they move closer to the group shooting.

"Close the doors!"

I run to my group, and see everyone standing there. Except for YN, she's being held by Newt still.

"Follow me, I'll take you to where you can get some food." A women in a white coat says.

We look at eachother, and follow her. She leads us to a room where the table is full of food and drinks. We run over to it, except for Newt.

"I'll leave you here, and the boss will come for you and help you get situated." She the walks out, and shuts the door.

Newt frowns, and his grip on YN tightens. I down the rest of my water, and walk to him.

"Newt, come on. Lets eat and then the person should come and help YN. But you should eat something." I say.

He nods, and walks over to the table with YN in his arms. He sits down, and lays her down next to him. She moves a little, and sighs softly. He then starts eating, and I feel jealousy eating me up inside.

-Your pov-

"Kill her." A female voice says.

Voices blur together, and clear again.

"We need to go! It's not what you think it is!" A familiar voice shouts.

The voices over lap again. The words jumbled, and slowly becoming one voice.

"We have you surrounded. There's no point in running." A male voice says.

In and out of focus. Clear to blurry.

"You need it to enter." A different male voice says.

Why won't it stop?

"Drop it." A female voice says.

When will it stop?

"We're safe, and now we can make our own world. Together." Another familiar voice says.

I want it to stop!

"We've come to collect what is ours."  A famale voice says.


"I love you." I hear my voice say.


-Newt pov-

I feel movement on my lap, and I see YN moving. Her face scrunched up in fear, and her body squirming. Like she wanted to get away.

"YN, YN wake up for me Love. Its not real, its just a dream Love." I say as I grab her arm.

She jerks her body away, and falls off the chair. I quickly slide off, and sit next to her. I start panicing when a ear ringing scream escapes from her mouth.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now