03 - extra puntos

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Yeonjun took a minute to ponder his question, his eyes catching the flection of the lights in the cafeteria as they twinkled with curiosity. ". . .Meh. I just thought she was wanting to see what photosynthesis was like, but it's a bit cloudy, wouldn't you say?"

"Hold on," Jaemin crushed his poor yogurt cup in his fist, left over cream dribbling onto the sides of his hands. Yeonjun watched with his usual kitty-like regard. "So this was just before now?"

Yeonjun grabbed his hand and mopped away Jaemin's lunch with a napkin. "Yep, same route every day. Wouldn't be a day without visiting my seed babies."

The other boy didn't give him a chance to finish his cleaning before he had his book bag slung over his shoulder, his tie still a loosened mess around his neck when he adjusted it earlier for comfort. "I'll double check on your planties, don't worry."

"Hey, don't call them that!" Yeonjun growled like a mother dog, throwing the crumpled napkin at him and watching it bounce off the other's butt. But Jaemin continued to run, now too far from sight as Yeonjun stabbed his yellow rice with a fork.

"Planties sounds like panties. . ."


Yeonjun was right. An array of clouds in all sorts of gloomy hues of greys curtained over the sky. It was as if the school was into some impending waterworks, but it wasn't enough to actually let the bottom fall out to drench the sidewalks and to patter on the windshields of the buses parked just in front of the entryways.

Jaemin jogged with an extra bit of energy to his steps. The silhouette of the playground could be seen yards away, the jungle gym domed just beside it. Near by was the sandbox, and there was still no sign of Iris. He didn't give up though, maybe she was curled up in a lil' ball like those pill bugs.

His chest begged for him to take a break once he was in the clearing of the play area, clutching his side as it began to cramp and tempting to upchuck his pineapple yogurt.

"Dammit, why do I always do this to myself," Jaemin whined, longing for the day he can enjoy cow juice in peace.

That paired with the running, it's safe to say that Jaemin should've sat there and ate his food.

Finally composing himself to the best of his abilities, Jaemin dragged his footsteps against the dying grass of school grounds, a hand still on his lateral tummy and eyes barely open. It wasn't until there was a raptor-esque screech that Jaemin was now tumbling face first into the crumbs of the sandbox, breath leaving his chest as he collided with the earth below him.

He's pretty sure he chipped a freaking tooth, rolling onto his back and bringing a hand up to trail over the scaly surface of his lips. There definitely wasn't a trace of blood at least, but do teeth even bleed?

"Jaemin, my fingers!"

He knew that shrill voice from just the day before.

Jaemin day up, hands pulling at the caramel roots of his bleached hair before opening his eyes to see Iris cradling her hand to her chest and hissing curse words through her rows of clenched teeth.

"My Lord, Iris Kepley, why are you even out here?!" Jaemin seethed, now on his knees and cracking his spin.

Her bobbed hair was in a disarray of their typical ebony strands, speckles of sand scattered among the locks like stars in a night sky. Accept these celestial metaphors were dirty, making Jaemin reach a hand out a ruffle up the top of her head, the sand falling like snow from where they were trapped.

"More like what are you doing — "

"Listen," Jaemin cut her off, walking over like a penguin considering he was still on his knees. "You missed out on extra puntos."

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