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the outfit she wears like this, just ripped lmao

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the outfit she wears like this, just ripped lmao

I walked around, feeling the cold air hit my already chilled skin. my blonde hair never left it position, almost as if it was plastic, as I threw on my hood. It was the dead of winter, not helping me saying I am alone. let me explain why, but first, my name is yuki tokonoshi. my family was simply based it off my grandfather from both sides. my father's last name is 'tokonoshi' whilst my grandfather from my mother's side is named 'yuki.'  anyway, my family is something called 'mystics.' we aren't particularly normal, seeing my little brother is able to control and use water to his advantage. their are 4 kids, the little boy I told you of, his name is yuu. me, who controls fire, ari, the oldest of all, who is female, and lastly Lillianna. she is able to control anything rock and earth related. now, our parents are unique as well. mother is able to control time while father is able to control life itself.  he is powerful, though lazy. we are all alive and happy, just not happy together. 


I jumped, being knocked out of my thoughts by a voice I never heard of before. it sounded of multiple voices, so I instantly suspected multiple people. turning around hesitantly, I was greeted with one girl. she had heterochromia, her eyes being a dark brown, while her other eye was the brightest red, yellow, and orange I have ever seen. 

" you cold?"

I asked her, noticing she had nothing on other than ripped jeans, almost resembling shorts and a bright orange sweater on. it was also ripped but more, I don't know,  like she got into a fight with a wendigo or something. 

" no. I'm fine. why?"

she asked me, confusion written on her face as she clearly didn't understand my situation. it was extremely awkward as she looked at me, trying to understand what I was getting at.  look at it in my perspective. a girl, the same age as you, mind you, was walking around, basically looking like a walking flame, confused that I asked her if she was cold as it was a blizzard. IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. sighing, I explained that to her. she looked at me, chuckled a bit, and replied with one thing I wasn't expecting what so ever.

" why does it matter to you? is it strange to be overheated with the ability to control fire? I mean, you have SOME sort of ability, if you have those numbers on you. but I would watch out if I were you, people don't like 96. anyway, come with me."

I followed her, petrified of what she's going to show me.  she walked me to a cave, the smell of cooking pork was distant, yet I wanted it. I needed it. looking at me, she saw this, picking me up and running towards it. 

" look who's back!" 

someone said, his face dirty, though I'm almost positive its meant to be that way. 

" here."

I looked to the one in front of me, to see the same girl with the delightfully cooked piece of meat in her hand. I took it, eating it slowly.

" now..."

she said, stopping to take her sweater off, showing her ripped ' panic at the disco' shirt.

" Who are you?"

she asked, her raspy, somewhat horse voice rung through my ears.

" your ability. name. I want all of it. NOW."

she said, her voice becoming deeper insanely fast, her personality switching just as quick. I jumped,  startled and somewhat scared now. 

" My name is yuki. uh- yuki tokonoshi. I have umbrakinesis. that is the ability to control light and shadow."

she nodded before she spoke.

" I'm ash. I have calokinesis, the ability to control heat, and pyrokinesis, the ability to control fire."

she stood up again, walking to the same boy as earlier, who had a needle in his hand.

" Good to meet you, but I have some things to do. so, night."

she said, before I felt something prick my neck. soon a overwhelming pain rushed through my body before I was out cold myself. the one last thing I heard was

" I'm sorry."

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