Izuku Midoriya:: Wake Up

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Who doesn't love this precious cinnamon roll?? You two are adults in this!

     You couldn't sleep. It was no surprise when you had a tiny human growing in your stomach deciding it wanted to kick at this time. You were also kind of hungry. Deciding to satisfy your hunger you carefully and quietly got out of bed, being sure you didn't wake your husband sleeping peacefully in the spot next to you. You quietly exited the room and walked to the kitchen.

     You turned the lights on and looked around for something to snack on. You opened the cabinets seeing nothing that sparked your interest. Next you opened the fridge, looking for something in there. With the same results, you opened the freezer.

     A sigh escaped between your lips, suddenly you were craving pickles and peanut butter. Mangos also sounded really good to you, but you didn't have any of those things. You had already eaten the last of the peanut butter a few days ago. Deciding it would be best if you didn't go to the store alone, you walked back to the bedroom.

     You really didn't want to wake poor Izuku with all the pro hero work he'd been doing, but you REALLY wanted to satisfy your cravings. Along with the baby who kicked you again. You made your way to Izuku's sleeping for and gently nudged him, "Izuku honey, wake up." You whispered softly.

     "Mmm, what is it Y/N?" He asked trying to rub the sleep from his eyes, "It's not the baby is it?" He asked slightly worried. You giggled at him and shook your head.

     "No, not exactly." You tell him, "I'm sorry to wake you, especially with all the work you've been doing, but could we run to the store?" You ask him, he looked at you and even with the dark room barely being illuminated from the moon shining through the window, you could tell he had a confused expression on his adorable face.

     He looked over at the alarm clock that sat upon the night stand, "At 4 am?" He asked, you could tell by his voice he was extremely tired but there was no way you'd be able to sleep with your cravings.

     "Yeah, I know it's really early and you're still tired but I'm having really bad cravings. We don't have: pickles, peanut butter, or mangos." You explain, Midoriya chuckles sleepily before throwing the blankets off himself and getting up.

     "Alright, let's get you all those things." He says, you smile and gently press your lips to his cheek causing his face to heat up. The two of you left in your pajamas and headed to the store.


     You arrived back home with everything you had wanted- along with a few extra things. Izuku couldn't help but smile at how happy you were as you sat at the table eating pickles with peanut butter. It was a little weird to him but he chose not to say anything, knowing it was because of the pregnancy. He finished cutting a mango and set it down on the table in front of you.

     "Thank you Izuku," You said as you ate a piece of it. He smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead causing you to blush. You loved that his gentle touch could still cause you to become flustered. "I love you," You told him softly, a light hue found its way to his cheeks as he leaned down again. This time his lips captured yours in a soft yet passionate kiss.

     "I love you too, Y/N." He whispered softly, resting his forehead against yours. Your lips curved up into a smile as the two of you stared into each other's eyes.

Once you decided you had enough and you were no longer craving anything, you and Izuku went back to your shared bedroom. The two of you climbed into bed. You rested your head on his chest as he held you and your unborn baby close. The two of you drifted off to sleep, not bothering to wake up for the alarm clock in the morning. Of course Midoriya was going to be late, but neither of you cared as you slept peacefully in each other's embrace.

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