She glanced back to see Sayori blushing, her eyes wide.

"I-I...." Monika began again.

"Yes." Sayori cut her off.

"W-What?" Monika said, blinking rapidly.

"Yes, I-I'll be your girlfriend." Sayori said softly.

"Really?" Monika asked to make sure he had heard correctly.

"Monika!" Sayori whined, "I keep saying yes!"

"I-I know... I-I just can't... Believe it..." Monika smiled softly.

"Well, I-I can't believe you'd want m-me..." Sayori admitted quietly.

"Who wouldn't?" Monika said softly, smiling at her.

Sayori's heart swelled in her chest, her blush burning brighter at Monika's words.

"A-A lot of people, actually.." Sayori scratched the back of her neck sheepishly.

Monika's eyes darkened a bit as her protective side kicked in.

"Has anyone ever said that to you?" Monika asked, leaning a bit closer.

Sayori shuffled in her seat, glancing down and pressing her fingertips together.

"Sayori... They're wrong. They're so wrong. You're amazing." Monika assured her, reaching out to brush Sayori's bangs from her eyes.

"N-No way... You're the amazing one..." Sayori argued, blushing softly.

Monika blushed and giggled lightly, resting the hand against Sayori's cheek.

Sayori smiled at her, making Monika feel even giddier.

They stood to leave, throwing away their trash before locking their hands.

Glancing at her phone, Monika swore under her breath. They had been out for quite some time.

"What is it?" Sayori asked as Monika sighed.

"It's getting late.. I was just thinking I should take you now..." Monika said.

"W-What?!" Sayori said, her mind in the gutter.

"Take you home?" Monika said.

"O-Oh. Yeah. S-Sorry, I didn't hear you the first time." Sayori lied.

"It's fine. Let's go." Monika squeezed her hand as they went to find the car.


Once they arrived at Sayori's house, Monika walked her up to the door.

"I-I had a great time." Sayori said.

"M-Me too." Monika said.

She placed a hand on Sayori's cheek, taking a step closer.

"Can I kiss you?" Monika asked, wanting to make sure it was okay with the young girl.

"Any time." Sayori replied, closing her eyes as she waited to feel Monika's lips against her own.

Monika pressed her lips firmly against Sayori's, feeling Sayori's move in sync with her own as she pressed closer to deepen it.

She gently licked Sayori's bottom lip, causing Sayori to let out a whimper as she obediently parted her lips.

Monika cautiously slid her tongue in, making sure not to move too fast since it was Sayori's first time kissing like this.

It feels like.. I'm flying....

Sayori gripped the front of Monika's blazer, humming into the kiss as she felt Monika's tongue swishing around inside her mouth.

It feels so... sweet...

Monika wrapped her arms around Sayori's waist, holding her there as if Sayori would disappear if she let go.

Sayori pulled away, panting slightly as she became aware of how out of breath she was.

Monika gazed into her bright blue eyes with her own glossed over with lust.

"Um... That was... Nice..." Sayori whispered.

Monika nodded, coming down from her high.

"Yeah... Yeah, it was..." Monika agreed softly.

She took a step back, smiling at Sayori.

"I-I should get going. M-My cat and everything...." Monika explained.

"Oh, yeah. G-Goodnight!" Sayori said.

Monika waved as she climbed into her car.

Sayori waved back as Monika drove off.

She sighed, stepping into her house feeling lighter than air.

"Monika..." she flopped onto her couch, a dopey smile across her face as she giggled like a drunk.

Sayori slowly nodded off, her smile remaining long after nodding off.

(I hope this helps make up for Dev... and if not, I'll just have to make it fluffier and fluffier until you forgive me. XD)

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