Kageyama Tobio x Female! Reader

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The whole of Karasuno's team travelled by train to the beach, a small treat for winning against Shiratorizawa organised by Ukai, Takeda, Kiyoko, Yachi and you. You were Kiyoko's younger sister, having met the volleyball team several times before and getting along quite well. Sometimes you would help them at practice, throwing the ball for Kageyama and Sugawara to set or for Hinata to recieve when he got shouted at by the first year setter for his shoddy receiving skills. So overall you had hang out before, but never outside school.

You were sat next to Yachi, chatting with the blonde about frivolous things, such as the cute boy in your class that Yachi had a crush on. The two of you were in the same class, having met at the beginning of the school year but only becoming friends properly when Yachi became the manager for the team along with Kiyoko. When the first year girl had enough of your teasing she retaliated.

"What about your crush on Kageyama-kun?" She asked, a smug smirk on her face as your face turned a light pink. In your opinion she had said that way to loudly, making you look around if anyone had heard, but no one batted an eyelash at what was said, everyone engaged in conversation or listening to music using headphones.

"I don't have a crush on Kageyama!" You quickly denied, though Yachi knew you were lying.

"Mhm, so if I told you that he was going on a date with Akiyama-chan you wouldn't care?" Yachi knew it was a low blow but she needed you to accept your feelings for the tall setter, even if it meant telling a white lie to you. Akiyama Haru was a girl in the same class as Kageyama who had made it clear that she was interested in him, well it was clear to everyone but Kageyama. The girl in question was a tall brunette with blue eyes who played volleyball for the girls team. She was outgoing and loved being active unlike you who was more introverted, preferring to stay away from the lime light and to stay at home on the weekend reading a book. Kageyama and Akiyama seemed to be perfect for each other since they had similar hobbies.

"N-not one bit..." You replied, your voice faltering letting the blonde know she had caught you in a lie. Yachi raised her eyebrow at you, a not amused expression replacing the smile she previously adorned on her face. "Okay, fine. I'd care."

"Hah, I knew you had a crush on him, (Y/N)-chan!" Tsukishima seemed to hear Yachi's outburst through his music, sitting behind the two girl with Yamaguchi who was snoring lightly, catching some shut eye before the long day ahead of him.

"Oh what's this? Shorty here has a crush on someone?" The tall middle blocker teased, leaning down so his head was in between the two first year girls, his headphones now hanging around his neck.

"S-shut up Tsukishima!" You retorted, wishing you hadn't stuttered but you were to flustered to speak fluidly. The last thing you wanted was for Tsukishima to find out you had a crush on Kageyama, he would tease you till the end of time, and probably expose your crush to Kageyama. You looked at Yachi who was trying to make a hard decision, unbeknownst to her friend.

The rest of the journey went by smoothly once Tsukishima went back to listening to his music, but his mind was working at a thousand miles per hour and so was Yachi's. The male blonde was trying to figure out who you had a crush on, thinking about who he saw you hang out with while the first year manager was concocting a plan to get you and Kageyama together, but she wouldn't be able to do it by herself. She would need to enlist the help of a certain salty megane.

"Tsukishima, if I tell you who (Y/N)-chan has a crush on, will you help me with getting them together?" Yachi asked when they were finally off the train, walking in small groups. You had ran up to your sister, walking with her and the other third years while Yachi fell back to talk to Tsukishima was at the back of the group.

The blonde thought for a moment. If he knew who you had a crush on he could tease you about it, whether the guy reciprocated your feelings or rejected you. If he didn't take up Yachi's offer he would be wracking all his brain cells to figure out who you liked. It seemed that helping Yachi with her plan would take less effort.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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