I nodded "Hay look who it is it's N/n" I looked over to see George pointing at me "Look she's not dead I told you !" He says poking his twin Fred.

Fred then turns and smiles at you and says "You had us all worried that you went and got yourself killed" You then replied back with "I thought you boys didn't really worry often."

You noticed they blushed a bit before saying in unison "Oh shut it Y/n" You giggled at there comeback and say laughing even more "That's the best you can do."

"Hay guys look Hermione's back" Neville says to us.

I look over towards the door to see Here it standing there Myself, Ron and Harry all smiling at her.

She then runs up to us hugging Harry and Me, Then she turns to Ron and gives him a messily handshake "Ummm.... Welcome back Hermione" Ron says shaking her hand "Yeah welcome back" I say joining in.

"It's good too be back, Congratulations I can't believe you solved it" She says smiling.

"Well we had loads of help from you, We couldn't have done it without you and not too mention Y/n was the one to find the paper in the first place" Harry says adding me in I said giggling "Yeah for once I'm actually useful in this group" They giggle at what I said "Thanks Harry" Hermione said cheerful.


"Could I have your attention please" I heard McGonagall say tapping her glass loudly. Hermione, Ron and Harry day at the Gryffindor table while I went back to sit with Luna and Cho in the RavenClaw table.

"Before we begin the feast" Dumbledore says standing, "Let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey who's Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified."

Everyone clapped loudly for the two teachers except a couple of people in Slytherin, But you can already guess who it was by his blonde greasy hair.

"Also In light of the resent advents, As a school treat all exams have been cancelled" I clapped definitely louder than anyone else Luna and Ho laughed Cho said "You look happy about that" I turn to her and say "Yeah I'm not one for studying and I'm definitely sure I didn't study at all" All three of us started laughing.

Once the cheering had been quieten done the Great Halls doors opened to revile Hagrid walking through and said "Sorry I'm late."

Everyone looked in shocked at him some even in disgust.

"The owl that delivered these paper got all lost and confused, Some ruddy bird called Earl" Hagrid says walking down the hall.

I look over too see Ron with a scared look he then turns to me and I couldn't hold in my laughter, Ron just gave me a playful death glare.

Hagrid stopped at Harry, Ron and Hermione and said "I knew I'd just like to say that eh if it hadn't been for you Harry, Ron Hermione and Y/n of course" They looked at me from the other side of the room. Hagrid nodded at me which I returned "I would eh.... I'd still be you know where so I'd like to say thanks."

Harry than stands and says "There's no Hogwarts without you Hagrid" He then hugs Hagrid which Hagrid returned back.

Dumbledore then stands then starts applauding then Professor McGonagall then Harry after that you standing from your house and started clapping.

By now about everyone was standing clapping for Hagrid's return, Then clapping turned into cheering. You also noticed Crabbe was about to stand and clap when Draco pulled him back down with a killing glare, You just rolled your eyes and continued clapping happily.

You then walked up to Harry and started clapping beside him he just smiled at you can continued clapping, Now everybody was surrounding Hagrid giving him hugs and high fives and pats on the back I could tell Hagrid was trying hard not to start crying and so was Myself.

Kings Cross Station 🚂🚂⛔️

"So what are you guys doing this Summer ?" I ask them walking off the train with my things in hand.

"I'm not too sure" Ron says "Nothing as usual" Harry reply's which made me frown a bit and Hermione said "Probably studying, Reading and maybe going to the beach."

"That sounds cool anyways I better go find S/n and also my father See ya next year" "Bye Y/n" They all say smiling and waving I waved back and went quickly over to S/n who was with my father.

"Hi Father, Sorry I was just say-"  "Not another word Y/n, We need of have a talk about your manners when we go home" He says sternly which you where kind of shocked about since he hasn't acted like this at all.

You looked at S/n, She just looked down not saying anything, "Girls, Let's go home" he said still sternly.

As we where walking out of the Kings Cross Station, We bumped into a familiar blonde family.

"Hello Lucius" My father greeted him with a hand shake which he took "Hello L/n, How has been things" he asked Your father replied with something along the lines like everything has been well or something you kind of blurred the whole conversations out until you heard a voice.

"What's up with you" You look too see Draco looking at you sneering, You didn't nothing to answer and just looked away.

"So, You are going to punish her for what she said" Lucius asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes I will and I dearly apologise for what she said my daughter can be a bit of a blabber mouth, She sometimes can't help herself" Your father says looking done at you while you just glared up at him.

"Now Y/n I want you to apologise for what you said to Lucius it was a lack of manners and respect" Your father said.

You just looked at him and said stubbornly "I won't do no such thing I meant every word I said" Your father was furious about what you said and said angrily "That's it, No food for the next week and another punishment is in order."

"Fine" You mumble liking down you noticed that Draco looked at you with a tint of worry in his eyes or maybe even sorrow.

Once Lucius and your Father said goodbye, He angrily grabbed you by the arm and pulled you over to your car.

When you and your sister got in she looked at you with sorry and teary eyes you jus said "Everything will be alright S/n."

'Maybe for you, But definitely not for me.'

Word count 1,751

Boys Boys and more Boys Harry Potter various x reader *Discontinued*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora