"Uhhhh, Thanks Myrtle" Harry says smiling slightly then jumping down into the blackness thou watched as he did it then Ron jumped you stood there frozen hearing them scream unsure if you could jump down.

"Well aren't you going to jump as well" Myrtle says, You turn to her and nod slightly then took a drop breath and jumped into the darkness.

You screamed going down this slide of stone which seemed to go on forever, But you eventually got too the end landing on your side slightly Harry helped you up and asked if you where alright while Ron kept his wand at Lockhart giving him a death glare you said you are fine and thanks to Harry then all three of you focused your attention to Lockhart standing in front of you's.

"Any sign of movement cover your eyes straight away," Harry says jumping over and walking into another pipe

"Go on!" Ron says to Lockhart still with his wand out Lockhart walked after Harry, Ron then urns to you and you say "I'll go last" Ron nodded and walking into the pipe you following closely behind.

"This way" Harry saying taking a right, We all follow him into a room of some sort which had a giant snake skin in it.

We all walked towards it and Ron ask "What is it ?" "It looks like a snake" Lockhart says unsure

"It's a snake skin, They shred their skins" I say as Harry walked ahead of everyone "Bloodily hell, If it shreds this big it must be fifty feet long"

Harry stops at the shredded snake skins face and crouched to get a better look, Just as Harry was doing that Lockhart fainted.

"Hart of a loin this one" Ron says looking down at Lockhart.

Lockhart then shot up like a rocket and snatched Ron's wand out of his hands and said  "The adventure ends here Boys" He then turns to me and says "And girl" "Yeah thanks for that" I mumbled but loud enough for Ron to hear.

"But don't fret, The world will know our story how I was too late too save the girl and how you three tragically lost your minds in the sight of her mangled body" He says pointing the wand in different directions but now it was on Harry.

"So you first mister Potter, Say goodbye too your memories" I then got my wand out in case something actually happens.

"OBLIVIATE" Lockhart shouts but it doesn't go for Harry instead the charm backfired and landed right on him making him go flying against a wall making the walls start to shake and tumble down splitting Myself and Ron away from Harry.

Making myself jump backwards so I wouldn't get crushed but instead a rock hit my cheek making a scratch mark on it as well ass making it bleed "HARRY" Ron shouts over the stone wall "Ron" I mumbled as I held my cheek he looks over to me and gasps walking up to me and looking at the scratch on my cheek.

"Y/N, RON ARE YOU'S OKAY" Harry shouted over the stone wall, "IM FINE, BUT Y/N GOT AN INJURY ON HER CHEEK AND ITS BLEEDING" Ron shouts back then I shout "I SHOULD BE FIRN ITS JUST A SCRATCH."

"Hello, Who are you ?" We turn to see Lockhart awake staring at us confused, "Ron Weasley and this is Y/n L/n" Ron says "Oh really, And uhhh who am I" He ask's.

"THE MEMORY CHARM BACKFIRED HE HASN'T GOT A CLUE  WHO HE IS" Ron shouts over to Harry, "This is an odd sort of place isn't it" He says picking up a rock and catching it.

"Do you both live here ?" He ask's, Ron then walks over and picks up the rock and says "No" Then smash's the rock onto Lockhart's head making him pass out again.

"RON!!" I shout at him "What did you do that for" I ask but he ignored me and shouted over to Harry "WHAT DO I DO NOW" Harry shouts back "YOU BOTH WAIT HERE, AND TRY AND SHIFT SOME OF THESE ROCKS SO WE CAN GET BACK THROUGH I'LL GO ON AND FIND GINNY" "OKAY" We both shout back.

I turn to Ron and say "Let's move some of these stones shall we."

Time skip

"All done" Ron grunted placing the last rock into another pile on the floor.

He then turns to me and asks "How's the cheek" "It's fine, I'm happy it stopped bleeding" I say smiling at him and he returns it.

"Y/N, RON" We heard a voice say, We both turn to see Harry and Ginny and a Fawkes ?

Myself and Harry run up to each other and hug then he turns and hugs Ron.

I tune to Ginny and hug her and say "I'm so glad your alive" She giggles and thanks me then hugs Ron, I look at Harry then back at the Fawkes.

"So I'm guessing that's down we escape here" I say Harry smiles and nods which made me smile even more.

Lockhart was holding onto the Fawkes leg while Ron and Ginny held onto his feet and myself and Harry helps on too their feet.

"IT'S JUST LIKE MAGIC" Lockhart screamed

Which made me snort out loud, making Harry laugh as well.

'I'm so glad I might these boys and Hermione I wonder where my life would have taken me if I did not.'

Word count 1,518

Boys Boys and more Boys Harry Potter various x reader *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now