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Before Ghost has ever existed, Papa Emeritus III was a normal man, way before he became a Papa. He was married to a wonderful woman. His brothers were also married with their partners. He always wanted a child of his own, but every time he tried everything with his wife, nothing changed. He was praying to God and nothing worked. He blamed God for it.

Then, his father began to be an anti-pope of the new religion. He decided to follow. The new religion is like Catholic, but it's satanism with a twist. Thus, Ghost is created.

As his brothers had children and he practised the skills for becoming a father. He prayed for Satan for guidance and help. After a month of trying, his wife got pregnant at last.

His father Papa Emeritus Zero or Papa Nihil, kept saying that if any of his sons' child born different, he had to do things the hard way. He disapproves anything that against the bloodline.

Papa Emeritus III was anxious about it and his wife support him. After a long and painfully nine months wait, his daughter was born. They were happy to see their child for the first time in a long time. 

After few days, the child opened her eyes for the first time. As Papa and his wife were shocked to discover that she was born with no white left eye. They are worried what if Papa Nihil has to do something to their daughter. But they have no choice but on the adoption. They filed the papers and the social services took their daughter away. Before she was taken away, they have a photo of their baby daughter.

But luckily that have contacted the adopted parents who got their daughter in England. They sent letters to Papa to tell him how she was doing and she had an invisible disability. He thought that was the reason that she was born different. They even sent photos with the letters of how much she'd grown.

As time goes by, his wife couldn't take it any longer. She really wanted to see her daughter in person, but it's too far away. Then, she took her life. Papa was deeply upset of his wife's suicide and he carried on with his life.

After many years in the clergy and after his older brothers retire, he finally became a Papa. He loved performing since he was a kid. He sings to the fans and his late wife. Before every show, he looked at the baby photo of his daughter and whispered, "I missed you, so much ghuleh. I hope I'll see you soon, Lilith." Then, he kissed the photo and head to the stage. 

After he was finished being the frontman and Papa, he was killed months later with his brothers by Papa Nihil's orders for the new leader Cardinal Copia. His spirit floats around the Ministry to this day. He is still hoping that he could see his daughter again, even though he's a ghost (pun intended). 

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