Shut Up And Don't Move

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Izuku's POV~

Oh no.

The pros had finally decided to do something. There were dozens lining the ring, waiting for the villains to make the first move. Cowards.

Thankfully, the league brought along one of the new guys, who's quirk is similar to Recovery Girl. He healed me, without the kisses, and I was able to stand on my own, maybe even help fight.

"Young Midoriya, What is going on?" Great, All Might is here. This is gonna be a shit show.

"Kiri saved me. I could have fucking died, and you all did nothing! According to the rules, the fight should have been stopped the moment I couldn't fight back!" I yelled at the surrounding pros. Some looked guilty, others betrayed, but most just looked pissed off. Including Endeavor.

"Why is a group of villains helping a UA student?" He shouted. I flinched at the yell and Kiri pushed me behind him. "Oh I see, the wanna be villain has feelings for the student. How touching. Maybe in prison you can get the same cell."

Kiri was trying so hard not to jump at them. The smallest movement could cause all of the pros to attack and we wouldn't stand a chance. We had to wait until Kurogiri opened a warp gate.

Until now, I hadn't dared to look up at the rest of my class. Most of them had looks of betrayal, some held understanding, like they knew why I'd did it, but one in particular looked pissed. What made me confused, was that they weren't even in my class.

Hitoshi Shinsou was staring down at the pros with a look of pure hatred. I'd only just met him today and haven't even had a full conversation with him yet. Why was he so mad at the pros?

"What are you gonna do to them?" He shouted down at Endeavor. Either the pro wasn't paying attention or he's just really really stupid, because he responded.

"We're gonna arrest them." He answered.

"Shut up and don't move." Was Shinsou's command. He skillfully jumped down from the stands and made his way over to us, the whole time Kiri was smirking. I gave my boyfriend a confused look.

"Oh c'mon, you didn't seriously think I'd leave you here all by yourself with just Sparky as backup." He said offendedly.

"Hey! I'm great backup!" Kami defended, Kiri just rolled his eyes at the blonde.

"Wait, Shinsou's a traitor to?" The class 1-B teacher looked heart broken.

"Yeah well, maybe if people didn't treat me like a villain all the time, I wouldn't have become one." He said with a casual shrug.

"Let Endeavor go, young Shinsou. It's not to late to change your mind." All Might tried.

"Hm, why would I do that, when I could do this?" He turned to the pro he had under his control. "Why don't you tell everyone what really happened to your wife?" He said with a smirk.

Endeavor's lifeless eyes stared blankly at nothing while he told the whole world the truth. "She went crazy from the constant abuse I put her and our children through. She hated me so much she threw boiling water at Shoto, because he reminded her of me. I had her sent away before she could damage my master piece anymore."

Holy shit. Everyone in the arena was dead silent in shock. I looked over at Todoroki, wanting to see how he would take it. He looked... happy. Like he wanted nothing more than to run down to Shinsou and hug him. My guess is that Todoroki has been holding a grudge for a while, and now his fathers life is finally destroyed.

What I didn't expect, was for Todoroki to jump down from the stands, briskly walk over to Shinsou, and kiss him. There was a huge gasp from everyone watching, even the villains. Once they pulled away, Shinsou sheepishly looked at the villains.

"So um, this is my boyfriend. I kinda sorta told him everything, but he wants to join, so..." he trailed off, unsure.

"Yeah that works, Todoroki was always a decent guy." Kiri said with a shrug.

Dabi spoke up for the first time. "You do realize that we've recruited five UA students to the league now, right? Damn, the pros are doing a really shitty job." He said with a chuckle. All of the other villains let out laughs as well.

A warp gate opened up behind us. Most of the villains jumped right through, without a second glance. The pros were starting to close in on us now, scared to loose us. They were getting close, to close. I pushed my way through the villains and punched the air, successfully knocking pros off their feet and causing dust to fill the air again. Hopefully that buys us a few seconds. Everyone was scrambling to get through the gate.

Kiri grabbed my hand and we were the last to go through. When he was half way through, me trailing behind, I felt something wrap around my other hand. I looked down and say Aizawa's scarf. Oh no, this isn't good. Kiri tried to tug me through the portal, only to realize I was stuck. I gave him one last smile.

"I love you." He was confused, only for two seconds, but that was enough for me to push him into the warp gate before it closed, leaving me trapped at UA.

Being the Villain is Way More Fun (KiriDeku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora